Thursday 28 June 2012

The Falcons Tour de France 2012 Guide

One of our tippers - The Falcon - takes far too massive an interest in men with shaved legs and links to mysterious chemical dispensing companies... despite his love of the ole dark navy blues his blog for the Tour de France is a worthy read so get on board:

(link also on the right hand side)

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Round 13: Yo Mama Gave Me...

OK well I have to say Brock McLean you are one massive TOOL. No... seriously... At what stage did you think THIS was a good thing to do?  And if you don't like idiots posting stupid things to you on twitter, GET OFF IT.  There is no law that says you have to be on Twitter if you are a footballer.  It's like sending that late night text.  It's NOT a good idea.  They won't say yeah SURE I would love to see you, you sound drunk enough to rock my world!  Ain't gonna happen.  Brock.  Get off the tweet.  You have a footballers brain and even 140 characters is too much for you.

The footy... Yeah yeah yeah... That SUCKED! Not only did the Crows losing to a CRAP team - yes that is you Kangaroos - but I stupidly tipped the Giants. What was I thinking? Actually they looked good until near the end of the first quarter when it was 31 a piece but went downhill pretty farkin quickly after that. It was good to see the Dees get so excited beating a team of 19 year olds - they must have felt so BIG and MANLY as they pushed the kids around and told them they were crap. If anything says where the Dees are it is that they got such a thrill from beating a team they should have.   I can't remember seeing a good team feel the need to do that - Cats, Pies, Eagles - they all just went about their business but the Dees?

I went to the Swans game on Friday night and it turned into a ripper eh? The Cats were nowhere in the first quarter as the swans smashed em all over the park - except for where ever Goodesy was hiding.   Jetta was on fire and LRT kept his distance from general play. They were unstoppable. The second quarter was more old school Swans - grind grind grind.  The third quarter saw the Cats slowly get into it. And the last quarter saw them explode, bang bang bang, into the lead, swans back, cats back, and then Andreas 'I am not a spider' Everett marked and kicked truly to get the Swans over the line. Great game. I still can't see the Swans progressing much beyond the second week of the finals, but Jetta has added some massive bite to their game.  The Cats are looking like they will have to claw their way into 7th or 8th hope for the best.

Equally massive was the Pies n Eagles.  Yes it was a massive game and the Pies won.  And yes I know that their supporters have to have tatts n no teeth just to get female membership, but this extension to the players has gone too far.  The question is, where did it start?  Well we all know that Big Dane Swan has led the way so after some digging around I found his first effort:

Just goes to show how much pre-season training he has been putting in since the start of 2009.  Nice colouring.  But this first one by Beams is more of a cry for help. 

Thats why you never tattoo your lady friend on your arm, and that's why he now has had to undergo extensive tatts just to remove it from his body.

My certainty for the week fell over - the doggies were never in the race against the lions.  Doh. And the bombers broke their hoodoo both in the west and in June. Hurley kicked 6 of the best but everyone's favorite moment was seeing Jetta cop one in the face and the ump 'saw nothing'.  Gold. Even better was that the MRP also saw nothing.  Platinum.  How squeaky is his voice by the way?

Hmmm I got TWO! Whoops. After a zillion full houses last week there was one 5 fer this week to dr phanto which takes him to one point behind the new leaders Ih8, ruby2 and TomR. Good effort as the Horseboy drops back a pace or two.

In the streak comp our fearless 'current' leader played safe and tipped nobody, thus ensuring his 22 stayed intact. Now THAT is tactics.

Round 14
Thank fork the 6 games per round is over. There are some defining games this weekend. First up is the Roos n sinners. The winners stay in the race, the losers are gone. I think I say that every week about someone, and given there are 10 teams that will miss out, chances are I will be right more often than not.  The roos are pretenders and will be gone.

Next is the Crows n Tiggers. If the crows lose there will be rumblings, if the Tiggers lose they will be gone. The Tiggers will need more than the Flu going thru the team to be any chance and it is they that will be gone.

While it could be a good game, the Hawks will further consign the Blues to an early 2013 pre-season.  The Pies will smash the Haze as Cloke contenmplates his move West, the Coast will smash the Coast, Sydney will smash Sydney, and Bombers will beat the Dogs - but if you want an upset, that is the one you want.  Oh and the Lions will ream the Dees while the Cats will stay in the race by making the Paps look as bad as they are.

Monday 18 June 2012

Round 12 - Easy Games Made Hard

Well that was an exciting round eh?


In all the games the favorite got up but bad kicking kept the oppositions in. And while there was focus on the Sinners missed opportunities, Tippers missed some pretty easy shots too which would have meant the game was over a bit earlier, but the standard BIASED commentary kept talking about their lovechild Nick Riewoldt.  Does the word OVERRATED mean anything to you? *stirs*  Well, I would be stirring if there was a Sinners supporter in here but I am yet to meet one.  And when I do I will ask them what they were doing at half time in the 1997 Granny. SUCKERS.

I was never nervous by the way. EVER.


I don't have much to say but Lance Armstrong took performance enhancing drugs apparently. No kidding Sherlock.  When are they just going to legalise them in cycling? Just admit that they have always taken drugs and always will?  Bang. Problem solved. In the 20s they took coke to ease the pain, now they take who knows what. Allow it and then I wouldn't have to pretend that when australian cyclists do well, they are clean while all other countries are dirty.

Well that was a pretty easy round if you just stuck to the favorites.  And the best part about a short round is you still get a bonus point.  Of course if you forgot to put the tip in on thursday for the early game then you kinda reap what you sow.

THIRTY FOUR TIPPERS picked the full round.  Thats a lotta whoppers.  It also means if you got the full monty you probably didn't move too much.  As such the top of the table appears gridlocked.

In the Side Comp some HERO picked all 6 games.  Thank you... thank you... that takes me to... 8.  But leading the way is Magyver - not out on 22 and now equal 3rd... he is playing it simple but will he tip anyone this week?  Not too many easy ones.

Round 13
One last set of 6 before we go back to the standard and I reckon this weeks is the best of the lot.

Starting with the friday night clash between the Swans and the Cats at the SCG - this should be a ripper. There aren't enough Friday night games in Sydney and damnit I will be there. Goodes is back and I will tip the Swans cos the Cats are less than convincing at the moment. $1.60 last I saw.

On Saturday the Dogs should have too much for the Lions and thus stay in delusional touch with the 8.  I read in the paper that the Dogs are playing better this year.  Really?  You sure?  They haven't beaten anyone of note. 

Then we have the big one between the Pies n Eagles. This could be a preview of the Prelim final to see who comes second against the Crows 2012.   It is big.   Are any players coming back?  Home ground gives it to the Pies but this will be one of the games of the year. Fact. Hard n tough. And hopefully a couple more injuries each.

Over in the West the Dockers host the Bombers. Another big game. If the Dockers win then they are back in the eight knocking out Lyons old mob. The Bombers lose and that June hoodoo is looming large. Hmmm If I tip the Docker and they lose I will be PISSED OFF.  Maybe go the Daaaave and tip the Bombers but be happy if they lose. Win/Win.

On Sunday the Dees host the Giants. The heart says the Giants. The head says the Dees are shit. But can the Giants play out four quarters?   Lloydy came out this week and said Izzy is not hope and a waste to which Sheeds said Lloydy never liked a challenge.  Well what about the challenge of falling forward?   GO THE MARGIN BET!

And finally the Crows play the Rangeypoos. These are the games top 4 teams need to win. The roos are a very ordinary unit while the Crows are fading late in their games. You know the Crows will win.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Round 11: BAU Resumes

It's a quick turnaround this week with the Queen's Birthday Slaughter on the monday - a late game too - why start so late? - and then for some reason we have a thursday night game.  WTF??  Not sure why would choose a round with 3 less games to then spread them over more days... but thats just me clearly.

Definitely Business As Usual for round 11 and you were an idiot if you thought the Paps were any chance over the Hawks.  Yes I am an idiot.  Reading the papers I see that now the Hawks and Pies are back to favoritism.  Why would anything have changed from last week?  They were both heavy favorites to win over the crappy teams they were playing.

Speaking of crappy, the Bluebaggers have finally worked out what it was that was cooking.  $hit Sandwich.  mmm tastes good eh boys?  The Cats made hard work of it, and the table is such that realistically it will only take both teams a 3 wins in a row to be back up amongst it.  Way too early to write both teams off but I'll tell ya, the blues are GONE and they know it.  I heard that BigEars has booked holidays in September so he can be ready for pre-season on the 1st October.   On second thoughts you may wanna start that pre-season in September Ratts.

More BAU with the Tiggers doing what they do best - losing games they should have won.  They waited to see my tip and BANG.  Thanks for coming.  And they managed to get beaten by a team of schlop that lost their #1 ruckman 3 minutes into the game.  What does that say about their #1 ruckman?  I guess the benefit is that they are then able to bring in an ex-Crows player to cover... what are we?  The feeder team?  You can count the Tiggers out of the finals action now ladies.  Thanks for the thrills.  Goodnight nurse.

There was one sort-of upset on the weekend - the Swans getting over the Bombers.  Looking at the number of points the Bombers kicked... well bad kickin is bad footy.   Still, with the Bombouts kicking 9 goals in the last quarter there would have been some brown pant action going on around the ground.  Nice of Dempsey to play on though eh?

The less said about the Suns the better.  They looked almost as bad as the Dees.  While IH8Crows was busy perving on NudeNick, OnceGreat was left talking about BoysIIMen.  I'm not sure if he meant the Suns looked a bit young, but one thing you don't wanna do is google that at work.

New GCSuns Recruits - BoysIIMen
Its got tight at the top again with 9 of yas getting 5 from 6 - the Tiggers being the major cause of concern.  Overall 6 people are now tied for 1st, with IH8Crows inexplicably joining the fray.

In the side comp... well it's all too hard now, but Magyver is leading the current streak with 20 - he's going all conservative on us but with half the season left it is anyones, so get on board.

Round 12
Still just the six games this week and starting on thursday night.  Nup, i STILL don't know why.  But it does start with what could be an interesting game.  The injury smashed Eagles who are still doing fine thank you very much vs the have a cuppla injuries and struggling badly Bluebaggers.  It's in the west so you would think the Beagles but if you want an upset, why not start with this one?  (I'll pick the Eagles though.)

Yes the Crows should beat the Sinners.  Yes I had Saad in my dreamteam.  If you h8 the Crows you should tip the Sinners this week.  That's my tip. 

Now... the Giants host the Tiggers this week... and I reckon the Giants are a sneaky chance to get this one.  They have had the week off, while the Tiggers will be a bit gutted from their feeble effort last week... It is definitely winnable, no?  We will of course all pick the Tigs, so if yer in the middle here is your chance to make up ground.  Or fall behind.  Not so sure the Suns are a sneaky against the Roos.  Here is our chance to see if the Coasters are worth $hit.  They were pretty pathetic on the weekend - on the surface it appeared they weren't even there.  They have copped a pasting in the press, and Bluey has called them all very naughty boys, and defintely not the messiah (despite having the Son of God in their team).  I would love to see the Suns pull something out of the bag this week.  Won't pick em but will be cheering for them.  DO SOMETHING PLEASE!

The Hawks will trounce the Lions after Buddy got off for the same tackle Walker got two for, and in the last game the Doggies play the Paaaaah.  Neither team will make the 8 but if it isn't close then the loser has gone backwards this year.

Don't forget your tips on THURSDAY...

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Round 10: Anyone Upset...?

Ahhh yes it all started on Friday night with the Sinners n Tiggers duking it out in a tackle free game. Sadly I was out watching The Hard Ons at the Royal Annandale Hotel but by all accounts it was a ripper of a game if you like Gaelic football.  OK OK... that was really Paul Roos who still has a stick up his butt after Demetriou's 2005 comments.  Move on Roosy... Move on.  Lil Jack Riewoldt kicked 8 of the best and the Tiggers snuck home despite Daaaaave putting money on them. That is one hullova battle against the odds.

Speaking of money, one thing I learnt over the weekend should not surprise anyone. Over the last 30 years the Bluebaggers have stolen more players off other clubs than any other team in the comp.  Gibbs n Judd are from the current crop, but of course their infamous salary cap RORTING wasn't that far in the past and Kernas, Braddles, Motley, Diesel Williams, Naley, Rhys-Jones... Jezza... Barassi... and all the way back to Brighton Diggins in 1938.  Yep those dirty dirty BlueBaggers have always been about the money. So no one should be surprised that our resident Blues supporters both put money on the Power on the weekend and seemed quite content to see their team of PRETENDERS slide down that slippery slope. Yep The Falcon and Chris Judds Blue Balls both backed a crappy team of no hopers performing in front of 48 people and 8000 metres of tarpaulin rather than put a lazy 20 on their own team. Unbelievable. No wonder the team doesn't care.  As long as they are making their supporters money, that's good enough.  IPL anyone?  I am just waiting to hear that they have put some hard earned on the Blues to miss the 8. Ding Ding. Get on board. The spirit of J Elliot lives on.

No surprises that the Pies smashed the Suns. Ablett had 53 posessions and Fox Footy's brain trust Kingy pondered if the Suns would be better without him because they are just too reliant. Kingy, you are a clown. STFU.

Franklin kicked 13 against the incredibly inadequate Roos. With every passing week whichever Scott brother it is that coaches them is looking more like an aberration himself.  Meanwhile the other Scott spent the first half of the game against the GWS wondering if he was about to have an aberration of his own.   I don't think it is a coincidence that the 2 NKOTB are staying in the contests until half time and then flagging.  Maybe they both have the same orange supplier?  Anyway The Other Scott didn't need to get the knife out just yet as the Cats made it home comfortably after a tight first half.

And of course the Mighty Mighties tried to make a game of it against the haze before running away with it in the last quarter. I was never nervous. Ryan Crowley is a TOOL of the highest degree - lets hope he gets 12 weeks for being a dick.  And that should be the charge.  None of this 'staging' rubbish being on the charge sheet.  "Ryan Crowley is charged with being 3.5 inches of flaccid penis.  How do you plead?  Who cares. Guilty.  12 weeks and removal of your left testicle." 

Speaking of staging, the Bombers showed the heart of a pea against the Dees. How long is it since the Bombers won a game in June?  Leroy Jetta needs to be facing similar charges to Crowley.  The Dees got off the bottom of the table but I am not thinking they are getting any other wins too soon.

Oh, the Lions beat the Eagles in a pretty damn fine last minute of a game. What a torp! Unbelievable! Still, the beagles won't be too worried and vossy shouldn't be buying a new house too soon.

Safe to say if you scored well this week you are probably not doing so well overall... a pair 7's was all it took to be the best peformer this week and Judge Dredd & PavPaaaa were the people in question.  Crow v Paaaaaa Showdown in the heart of Radelaide.  BOOM.

Overall, much like the AFL ladder it is getting tight at the top, with ruby2shoes now equal top with ze Horseboy and 4 others on their tail.  Top 10 will get the cash so stay with it.

In the side comp we had some OUTS with the Dees win.  The top 7 all missed out and go back to the start.  Please remember... your score DOES start again so keep going.  In this comp the Top Three Streaks will get some cash so the scores to beat are now:

1. Owen Bailey 25
2. Tom Rosewall 23
3. The Falcon 22

The highest running streak at the mo belongs to McGyver with 19... steady as she goes.

Round 11
And the first of three split rounds starts.  First up is the game that decides which of Carlton and the Cats will NOT make the finals.  Yep... that would be Carlton v the Cats.  I know... hmmm.  The Cats will be too good and the Blues will go from 2nd to out of the 8 in just 5 weeks.  Shame.

Richmond play Freo and are $1.22 favorites.  How long is it since they were such short price favorites against a decent team?  Big game in that much like the blues/cats, the loser will drop back in the race for the 8.  Home ground advantage to the Tiggs and hard not to back em.

The Bombers are up against the Swanneees... Mumford is back up and running for the Swans, and the last two games between these teams have been under a goal.  The Bombers should recover from their dodgy Dees games to get over the line here, while the Paps host the Hawkers.  Four in a row for the Paps?  They are paying $4 despite winning 3 in a row.  Or maybe it is because the last time they played, the Hawks won by 165 points!  That's almost as many supercoach points as Ablett averages!  Hmmm.  yeah ok... Hawks to win and snuff out the Paps slim finals aspirations.

The Sinners will stay in the 8 courtesy of the Suns, and the Pies will spank the Dees into yesterday.