Friday 11 June 2010

Barry Hall & The Horseboy Returneth

First up, a big Thank You Mr Nips for filling in in my absence!  Looks like he kept the ball rolling in a big way - much appreciated.

As you know, I vowed not to return from South Africa until the Crows had another win on the board.  At the time of my departure it looked a safe bet that I was therefore going to see every first round game of the World Cup and possibly have enough time to start training for Comrades 2011.  Unfortunately for me, the Crows did it before the World Cup started and I got nothing.  Unbelievable.

To urgent matters... During my absence I believe Mr Hall incurred some wrath.  I can see a query on the oztips website from Once Great about what was the boiling point for yer boner.  The requirement was the following:

"The round Barry Hall will receive his first points-incurring GUILTY at the tribunal."

My question is... did he incur points?  Sorry... I'm trying to find some info on the net and I get nothing but pics of B Hall hitting people.  Seriously can someone put the result of the B Hall incident in the comments for me (along with the round?).

In the meantime... Well you know how it is... ya come back from a break and all of a sudden there are new tools to help prettify yer blog!  I've had a fiddle... then I had another go at changing the blog layout... I tried beer as a background, I tried lil patterns, I tried big patterns, but as with most things, I think the simpler the better.  All comments welcome.

Now if yer really bored you can watch me as I struggled through 89.28 km on Comrades - I am the non-black dude.  Actually don't be too afraid - they didn't film me for the full distance:

I will summarise.  Tough.  But not as tough as watching the Crowsboys handpass into trouble.

On with the footy...

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