Monday 29 August 2011

Round 23: It's Like... An Extra Round!

Well THAT was exciting eh?  Two games of AFL Saturday night... we had the Beagles v the Bears and the finals shaping Sinners v the Roos... and I watched... the Tri-Nations.

How good did they play?  Fantastic game. Aussie Nev is stoked to be a winner again - good work big fella.  It's all looking good for the World Cup and it will be great to see Nev upstanding when the aussie anthem is played.

Back to the AFL and the Sinners smashed the Roos. Surprise, surprise.  And that means the 8 is now all set up ladies so you know if yer gonna lose some points eh?  I'll put something together a lil later in the week.

In Luke Power's last game before taking over the Captaincy of the GWS I thought the Beagles may get done by the Lions but... alas... alas... cos... I bluddy tipped the Lions. DAMNIT!  And the Paps n Crows kept the home fires burning for me by losing the unlose-able against two of the crappest teams in the comp.  The only good thing about the Bombers making the 8 this year is knowing the result will be similar to the last time they appeared in a final...

Oh... and in other yawns, the Hawks beat the Dogs, the Dees beat the Suns, and the Pies beat the Dockers and lost Daisy in the process... SUCKERS!!

Well I am VERY confused cos I can see 2x9 pointers (well done Hooksta & Nelson), but I can also see 1x8 pointer. How? FRIGGIN OZTIPS ARE SHT THAT IS HOW!  *sighs*  i dunno what to do with these CLOWNS but suffice to say I won't be there next year...

In the meantime, leading the gang is the Juddmeister... ahhh what a year he is having...

The Last Round
My... what a lovely guernsey will be worn by the Hawks when they take on the Suns.  Am I right hmm? Make sense hmm?  That is really all I have to say about this rounds cos sadly... it doesn't matter!  Can we just call a big bye?

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Ethical Bandwagon Jumping

Copied from the - something for Power fans to consider.

Changing Speeds

Ethical Bandwagon Jumping

It’s late August, and if the team you root for is already out of contention, you’re not alone. According to our Playoff Odds Report, only 12 teams currently have even a 5 percent chance of making the postseason, meaning that fully 60 percent of teams are realistically playing out the string with more than a month to go. If you follow one of those teams and are the sort of fan who finds that having a heart-felt rooting interest greatly adds to your baseball enjoyment, what are you to do with the rest of the season? My recommendation is to become a bandwagon jumper, or more specifically, an Ethical Bandwagon Jumper (EBJ).

To describe what it means to be an EBJ, I’ll need to define a few terms. A “Bandwagon Jumper” is not the same thing as a “Fair-Weather Fan.” The latter is someone who is nominally a fan of a given team but is only active at certain times. For example, this year’s crop of late-summer Brewers apparel looks to be larger than I’ve seen in years, since local growing conditions—hot team, cold division, the fertilizer of ugly politics—have caused once-dormant Brewers fans to resume paying attention to and bonding around the local nine. This can actually be a wonderful thing to witness, akin to wildflowers blooming in the desert after a rainstorm.
A “Bandwagon Jumper,” however, starts rooting for a contending or front-running team in mid-season or later. Such behavior is often derided among hardcore fans as shallow and self-serving, much like making your pick for the Sausage Race while Frankie Furter and Stosh are casing-to-casing down the stretch. Don’t let this negative connotation deter you, though. If you follow the Ten Commandments of Ethical Bandwagon Jumping, you can find a new team to root for whole-heartedly, if temporarily, while maintaining long-term interest in your long-time favorite—avoiding guilt and recrimination, while enjoying the pleasures (and pains) of rooting for a contender down the stretch.

I. Thou shalt not ignore your original team. Unlike the traditional bandwagon jumper, you have a team waiting up for you at home, and you’re not about to forget that. This isn’t a trial separation—you’ve been through a lot together, and you both know you’ll be back soon. You and your team have a mature relationship built on years of trust and a lifetime of shared experience, but you both understand and accept that, right now, circumstances have kept your short-term fan needs from being met. Don’t take advantage of this, however—your future continues to be with your old team. Give them the attention they deserve, even if they’re playing out the string.

II. Thou shalt not shop around. Similarly, don’t demean the entire fan/team relationship by half-heartedly groping your way through a number of possible teams before settling on one to follow. Pick one team quickly and stick with it. Shopping for a temporary team is like shopping for underwear—you can’t try it on, you just have to find what you’re looking for on the shelf, buy it, and take it home.

III. Thou shalt not root for the Yankees. This is self-evident, no? Jump onto the always-crowded Yankees bandwagon, and the tires are liable to explode. Moreover, part of the idea here is to immerse yourself in the season of a team you generally don’t follow closely. If you pay attention to baseball media at all, you can no more avoid in-depth Yankees coverage than Hollywood can avoid misguided superhero origin scripts. You’re already following the Yankees whether you like it or not. Try another flavor.

IV. Thou shalt not root for the Red Sox. See above. This would have been acceptable prior to 2004, however.

V. Thou shalt not root for a divisional or traditional rival. Don’t shop your fandom around your own neighborhood—it’s unseemly and can lead to logical and emotional complications once your rooting interest has flown home. Moreover… ick.

VI. Thou shalt not pretend to be a long-timer. When long-suffering fans finally have something to celebrate, few things annoy them as much as having to share their joy with unworthy latecomers, especially those who don’t realize they’re unworthy. No matter how much you know, embrace the fact that you’re a tourist, not a local, and don’t act as though you’ve already been down all the franchise’s back roads. You may remember Kent Tekulve, you may have seen Kent Tekulve, but the Pirates fans on the barstools around you lived Kent Tekulve. Give them their due.

VII. Thou shalt not choose again. One mulligan per round. Once your EBJ team falls out of contention, be grateful you were at least able to keep some skin in the game a little longer.

VIII. Thou shalt not root ironically. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no stranger to ironic appreciation: one of my favorite pieces of clothing is a baby blue t-shirt with a drawing of Sherman Hemsley amid the words “Shut up, honky!” EBJ, however, requires a genuine respect for your newfound rooting interest—otherwise, you risk demeaning yourself and, by extension, your normal team. Don’t use irony in selecting your team or in the way you express your single-serving fandom. Especially out of bounds is acting beyond any stereotype of your new team’s fan base, e.g., wearing a foam Brewers cheesehead hat to work, throwing a cheesesteak wiz wit at the your TV when Ryan Madson blows a save, or politely clapping the Twins’ effort after a loss. There’s no winking in baseball.

IX. Thou shalt not be more obnoxious than the team’s normal fans. Similarly, don’t be even more blindly supportive of your short-term team than long-time fans—you might enjoy lighting off fireworks at the party, but it’s their living room you’re trashing. First-person example: the 1985 Chicago Bears, who were the first team in which I had a primary rooting interest to ever win a championship. They were also one of the most obnoxious teams in history, and every loud-mouthed, unethical bandwagon jumper in the country flocked to their banner. As a result, the primary emotion I felt when they won the Super Bowl wasn’t so much joy as relief, and the backlash against that team and their boastful fans, many of them squatters, has yet to fully abate—many Packers fans still can’t take joy in their own team’s success without tossing in “the Bears still suck.”

So… don’t do that.

X. Thou shalt not become a serial front-runner. If you find yourself transferring allegiance every summer from your own crummy team to whomever leads the league at the All-Star break, perhaps you’re just not wired for monogamy. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but if this describes you, why even bother calling yourself a fan of your crummy team? You don’t qualify as an Ethical Bandwagon Jumper, but no worries. Embrace the variety, allowing that you may be trading joy quality for joy quantity, and root for whomever strikes your fancy.

Or, just give in and root for the Yankees full-time already. Bandwagon jumper.

Ken Funck is an author of Baseball Prospectus. You can contact Ken by clicking here or click here to see Ken's other articles.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Round 22: The Paps Score More Than 5 Goals! Yay!

It is indeed time to celebrate for the Paps.  Never one to look at the dark side, lets concentrate on the UP!  Sure they lost by ten goals, but (a) they scored a goal before quarter time, (b) they scored goals in the second quarter, and (c) they kicked more than ten goals for the entire match!  That is sensational!  There aren't many teams that can lose by ten goals and still have their percentage improve.  Yep, they are back on track.

Speaking of back on track, the Tigers are playing to their normal game plan.  Start the season ok, lose the middle 15 to rule themselves out, and then win a couple at the end when it means diddly squat.  The only question is who is going to be the Tigers 2012 Cousins?  Maybe Fev?  And every year the media jump on it and say oh it all looks good for next year.  Go Tiger Fans!  Never mind they were playing a crap team - the Dees are K Rudderless.  Starting yer Captain as the substitute is a genius move, especially if he is out of contract.  GWS would have a spot for him I'm sure.
Fifty One possessions to Mr Thompson on the weekend for the Crows.  Handy effort.  Clearly we should have got rid of N Craig earlier - 3 wins and a nearly since he took over.  Either we should have got rid of him earlier or we should have played the bottom teams every week for the whole season.  Hmmm actually that didn't work so well earlier in the season - we lost to Port and Melbourne didn't we... Still at least we aren't Port.  Hmm for some reason I'm reminded of the TISM song... "I might be a c*nt but I'm not a f*cking c*nt" <<rude language alert!>>.

There were a cuppla games that mattered on the weekend... the Sinners n Sydney was one.  Good to see Sydney stop MadJacob from scoring a perfect scrore not once, not twice, but three weeks in a row.  Not sure where that puts the Sinners - they have gone from being no chance for the 8, to almost deadset certs for 6th, to a bit wobbly.  But if they beat the Roos then they'll be fine - and they will.  Sydney should have won by more. RO'K is saying they were too tired to kick straight.  Uhm.  OK.  Sydney should make it through now but their holidays are only deferred by a week.   The other game of note was the Purples v Roos.  The Purples are 'cooked' apparently.  I love the way the media jumps on a term and start using it for everything they can.  Six weeks ago - before K Hunt was 'cooked' - it was never used, now any player that is tired is cooked!  After the weekend the Haze has ANOTHER 7 players out... Pv, Mundy, McPhee, Broughton, Ballantyne, Silvagni and probably Grover.  25 people left on their list to choose from.  The skill levels of both teams was low - medium to rare.  But if people are thinking the Roos are anything but ordinary on the back of that game then they are trying to sell newspapers to keep the interest up.  They will get baked by a decent team and Chef Lyon will deliver them well done to a September holiday.
No surprise that the Beagles smashed the Bombouts.  As soon as Jobe 'milkman son' Watson headbutted Waters it was all over.  And if Brissy had kicked straight they would have smashed the Pies!  Go Brissy!

3 folkettes got the Royal Flush on the weekend - fava, kschafer and The Anti-Dave.  He clearly didn't pick the Roos by a margin of under 40.  Who goes margin bets?  Destined for failure.  It's almost like the TAB knows that only idiots go for margin bets. Hey Dave? HEY DAVE?

Still leading the way we have the Judder, Drizza and Once Great, and Fava moves up a few spots into 5th.

Yes we do include finals.

Round 23
Where are we... hmm... two rounds to go and games of consequence are starting to narrow.  The Pies should smash the personnel challenged Dockers.  Loved the comments page on the herald sun page where Pies supporters are saying THEY have injuries... not sure who they were referring to.  Jolly is the only one of consequence, and maybe Dawes but he is support cast.  Compared to the dockers injuries??  Anyway, Pies to win in a remote foreign land and end any remote chance the Dockers had.

Hawks should have too much for the Doggies but there is the sniff of an upset about this one.  No such sniff for the Cats n Swans.  Swans just don't have the cattle.  And maybe they are cooked.  And maybe they can't go the Journey.  Any others? 

The Sinners/Roos game will spell the end for the Roos.  The Sinners are the only team that I reckon can challenge the Cats/Pies/Hawks for a shot at it, and they will make it through.

Upset of the Round?  The Lions over the Eagles.  It's a long trip ladies and the Lions are playing ok.  In the last three games the Crows will smash the Tiggers, the Dees should beat the Suns, and The Bombers have a bye.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Round 21 - PapSmeared All Over

Good times down at PapLand - 303 points in 2 weeks.  Not sure I need to say more to be honest.  Dunno how Primus can keep his job with that bunch of monkeys.  Chad Cornes 'retired' and K Cornes tearing up without his brother.  Two years ago his acting was to fall down when someone looked his way, now he's acting as an AFL footballer.  I know a lot of people are saying it but the Paps are playing like Fitzroy did in their last few months.  And we all know where Primus played some footy... aha... you got it! At the mo GWS would put on a better show than the Paps - Folau would outscore the entire Port team.

Mind you, given what was at stake I'm not convinced the Swans played much better.  What was going on there?  It's Business Time but the Swans were playing like it's Tuesday not Wednesday night.  Deep.  Trouble.  The Tigers played like they cared and the Swans played just awful.  Can't see em making the 8 now looking at the draw.  GO FREO!  Yes, I picked em for the Grannie and that could lift me up to 34th in the tipping.  That said, the reality is that whoever finishes in those bottom 2 positions of the 8 are crap so who REALLY gives a sh!t.

The Crows gave it a red hot one against the Catters and people are saying that it's cos Craigy has gone blah blah.  Those people need to look at how we finished 2010.  Didn't we actually beat the Cats this time last year in a similar game? ie the Season is over... players play more freely... and yet we had Craigy there last year... errr... wakey wakey hands off snakey.  Don't wanna say this but the Tigers finish EVERY year well, but only when it means SFA.  Anyway it was good to see a decent game even if Stiffy stufftied up every time he got the ball.  I'll blame Mooney's hit.

The Sinners n media are all concerned over what those feral Pies supporters (the ultimate tautology) are calling that dirty little player who was found innocent.  And now Eddie jumps on the bandwagon saying there is no room in the game for it.  Hang on... Micky Malthouse was clearly seen to call Milney a 'f**king rapist' just last year.  I do love consistency.  The Pies got home despite the odd scare but were never really in trouble.

Over at the Subi Sturt beat the Dockers to keep them out of the 8, while the Bombers, Brissy & Beagles all did it pretty easy.

We had one full pointer on the weekend and again it is the lack of faith in her own team that is giving her the beanies - mozza, the SWANS supporter clearly picked the Tigers on her way to 9 from 8, and I for one am VERY disappointed in her lack of LOYALTY to the Bloods.  Next thing ya know I'll see that the VERY quiet Once Great and PavPaaaaa have been tipping against the Paps every week.  Up the top of the table we still have the Juddernaught followed by our own ex-pat, DrizaBone. After that it is still pretty open for that Top 10 finish and a go at the $$$.

Round 22
Big opening to the round with the Hawks n Blues facing off.  Great test for both teams and I'm swaying towards the Blues midfield.  Must be the South Australian element to it. But my sway may change... toss of the coin and hopefully it is a ripper of a game.  Anything less than 100 points margin would be nice.

Speaking of 100 points margins, the Paps host the Dogs.  Surely they can't lose by over 100 this week... the Dogs are an average bunch of woofers... they are indeed sub-woofers in my books... the Dogs by 69.

The Beagles will be way too good for the Bombouts on home turf, and the Crows should make it 3 quality wins from 4 games when they beat the Suns.  2011 was the year we finally had a decent draw and look what we did with it - it's like wiping a hole that you had two shots on in golf. *sighs*

Another finals decider is the Dockers n Roos in Melbourne.  The loser is gone, the winner is still a chance to make the finals.  Heart says the Purple Haze but the head says the dockers are goneskie.  The only other game that matters is the Swans n Sinners.  Home town advantage is reduced cos its out at the Stadium of No Atmosphere, but this is the Season Decider for the Swans.  They will have enough.

The Pies will smash Brissy, and I really couldn't care less about the Dees n Tigers.  I hope the Tigers win though I guess cos I am over people saying the Dees are still a chance. *YAWNS*

Sunday 7 August 2011

Round 20: Ugly

A pre first up.  Yes... my week was a bit busy in the end... so no write up.  And thats probably why the tips were down a bit this week? So I apologise for not imparting my wisdom in time... :)

For the real First up I would like to send a big IN YOUR FACE to the Nipster in his DreamTeam this week.  SMASHED by Horseboy's finest!  IN YOUR FACE NIPS!!!!!  hehe yeah it's coming down to the sticky end of the season and I'm just about to come good.  Just like the Crows.  I am taking my glory just like Bicks is taking his.  With two in a row to the Mighty Mighty's I wonder if the bandwagon will start to roll! COME ON! We beat two POWERhouses - the Paps n the Lions. NOTHING can stop us now!!!  Oh... who we playing next week?  The Cats?  Pfft.  Easy. IN YOUR FACE CATS... IN YOUR FAAAAAACE!

Has there been a year where the gap between the good (Pies, Cats), the average (Hawks, Blues, Beagles) and the Shit (the rest) been so big at each step?  I mean... I know the Power are total and utter shit.  We all know that.  The Suns n Giants are both currently lobbying the AFL to get two games against the Power next year even as we speak.  But what happened to Melbourne?  All that supposed tanking and they are still shit?  The Pies tanked in 2005 and have won a Premiership.   You start to wonder how the Dees won any games at all?  Bluddy Crows... unbelievable. That loss is even more embarrassing than the Sinners n Port loss - at least the Sinners are coming good(ish) and Port... well they always have a woody for us.

The Paps clearly no not have a woody for anything else at the moment though.  The only disappointment was to see them score a goal before half time.  FOURTEEN Paps players played in the Grand Final against the Cats not that long ago... which is handy cos they all knew what it feels like to get SMASHED without mercy.  Chad Cornes last game... oh they clearly loved him - the effort the team made for him was scintillating.   Primus must be praying for some Melbourne-like action so he can at least get paid out for his contract.

There was the odd close game though - the Bombers scraped in against the Goodes.  Ooof.  Goodesy.  Hero to Zero.  If the Bombers make the 8 that should be enough to make the AFL realise 8 is more than enough.  The Bombers replaced the Injured Dockers - they just keep piling up.  The Dockers lost to the Sinners who have gone from Zeros to Heros.  6th spot on the table after winning what... 6 in a row???  Of course they haven't played a good team in that time... ahh the luck of the draw.  The other close game was the Hawks just getting in over the Roos.  The Roos never really looked like doing it.  Which is standard Roos. The Roos were behind all game until halfway through the last quarter Matty Campbell kicked 4 goals to get into the lead.  Unbelievable.  Normality was resumed when Buddy slotted one from 65 out... ahh... thats better...  The Roos are GONE season 2011 - just like 15 other teams.

The Tips
I would love to be able to tell you how people are going but as we all know, the new version of oztips SUCK DOGS BALLS so I can't tell you.  Cept I think there are probably 4 full houses there.  I think my pre-season picker may have got 9 from 8 too - can I please use him? Please? :)

Round 21
It kicks off with a Grand Final replay... This will test the Sinners.  They've had 6 weeks of playing mediocre teams with injuries... now for the Pies.  I think it will be a better game than many are saying.  Well I hope it will be cos if the Pies smash em, the finals series is going to be Crap.

There are three season defining games this week... first up the Dockers have to beat the Blues to make the finals.  And the Blues would wanna beat the Dockers to make the top 4.  Over in the West... hard to tip either team really... hmm.  Form says the Blues but homeground makes me Docker up!  The second game that matters is the Doggies n Bombers.  Bombers win and they stay in the 8.  Lose and ... well they could still be in the 8.  Cos thats how shit the 8 is this year.  But it's a big chance for them to consolidate a spot in the 8 if the dockers lose.  Bombers should be too good for the Doggies.  Finally the Swans travel to Melbourne to take on the Tigers.  Two away games in a row.  That never seems to happen for Collingwood.   The Swans need the win - a good one could see them get back up the ladder... a loss and they could drop to 8th.  They win these games. And the Tigers are shit.  In other games the Beagles should be too good for the Rabbley Dees, the Crows too good for the Scatters, and the Hawks will write their own cheque against the Paps.

Tuesday 2 August 2011


Sorry folks... no write up yet... the board sacked me for scoring 24 over off the stick on Monday even though that was around about what everyone expected of me.  But thy will be done Wednesday night...