Wednesday 7 May 2014

Round 7 - hmmmm

Yeah it has been a while folks but it's been a busy few weeks! In the meantime the Mighty Crows have lost to some good teams, beaten some shit teams, and been beaten by the cream of the plop - the Dees.  Disturbing.  Almost as disturbing as the Jack Viney decision. Not sure what he was supposed to do there - vaporise? Bizarro.  Surely it will be overturned... Surely...

Almost as disturbing as the Crows crowd... Who boos their own team?  Who leaves with 5 minutes to go when yer two goals down? I thought that was behaviour copyrighted by Tigger supporters. Shame on you! You bring (even more) shame on you lowly town!

But it started with an obvious caning as the Pies - written off after round 1 - smashed the Blues - written off when they play good teams but apparently oh so united when they play shit teams.  Malthouse threw the team under the bus. Or maybe he is the driver of the bus.

But hang on... That's not a caning... THIS is a caning... The Hawks spat out the Sinners to the tune of 145 points. Oh my.  Where was Koshitsme?  He was too busy saying he wished he played in an earlier era on fox footy... This is the player that got knocked out a few times in an era when players were well and truly protected but he wants to play back when they really got thumped?  Tell him he's dreamin'...

The Paps sadly continued to look pretty good as they beat the Giants.  Just wait folks cos next year the Giants will be where the Suns are now... And you can quote me on that... I have to say though the Paps are playing good footy. They look quick and they are hitting targets. Shame Wingard always looks like he is going to cry.  But then again maybe he is crying for the crows.  I know I am.

While Sydney smashed the lions, the Suns apparently came of age after giving the Roos one up the clacker. Nice.  And the Dockers went top 4 beating the beagles, the Cats just got home against the Tiggers, and the Bombers just beat the doggies.... Yawn.

Three 8 from 9s this week was a fairly handy effort by mr cricket jr, jumbo Haskard and Havy Kevvy Andrews.  That moves young James into 2nd position, one behind Sean Langcake, and one ahead of a bunch of talented folk.

In the streak comp leading the way are Dr Phanto and PieMad with 10 on the trot, but they aren't live any more - of the current streaks Mr Gay Leads the Way with 7.

It starts big with buddy + tippers lining up for the swans for the first time as they take on the hawkers.  Still can't see the swans doing it though- their midfield just doesn't seem quite there yet - hawks by 4.

Can't see the crows losing this week. Actually I heard they are unbackable.  In the meantime the Paps will slot the Dockers away, while if you want an upset look for a repeat of last years effort by the Lions as they bring it home over the Bombers.

The doggies will beat the Dees - who doesn't - the beagles will beat the Giants cos it ain't 2015, and the Sinners will hand the Blues a win.


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