Yep. You got it. Fweddy Fargin Flintoff. What a tosser. If he does that stupid 'Praise me I am Monkey and Yet I took a Wicket' routine once more I'll bluddy slap him. From a distance. Of course the Poms amongst you are saying it is sour grapes cos he has taken the 2nd most number of wickets, but remember that back in 2005 when it was skill beating us, we quite liked Fweddy. He didn't think he was the game - he realised he was a part of it. Now it seems it is ALL about Fweddy.
No, I'm not a bad loser. But is it honestly just a coincidence that we are being beaten by a Saffa? No, I'm not talking about half the "English" cricket team. I'm talking about Rudi K. I am not suggesting that he is on the take, but there are a lot of similarities between Rudi and Hansie. I know - they are not identical. Clearly one of them is still alive while the other one is dead. BUT, there ARE similarities. For example, they both apparently ACCEPT MONEY TO CHEAT!!!!!! I mean lets be honest, even in the schoolyard, Strauss would have been called a cheat cos it's ONE hand one bounce - not two.
But that's ok - as long as they're happy with that. That's FINE. Give them a Knighthood Queenie if that's how yer spending yer final years before that idiot son of yours takes over. We'll probably vote to keep him as our head of state too cos we're so bluddy stupid. You know, that the most embarrassing thing about being an Aussie while in England, was that we voted to keep the Queen while I was there. They couldn't believe it. They said that if they had the same vote in England she'd have been gone years ago!
So apparently there was some footy played. I did watch the Crows n Sinners. I was hoping for a good game and in the first quarter it delivered in spades. But uhm... yes. After that... Ooof. Too big. Too strong. Too bloody good. Simple. Unlike some, I will not give excuses. I am aware that there are only two teams in the running at this point in time, and while others get all hot n heavy when they beat a lesser team, I understand that 7 in a row - while it is a great effort, and means we are one of the better teams - did NOT include wins against the top 3.
Of course the other team that had 7 in a row came crashing down against the Hawks. Funny how the media jumps all over the Crows n says "oh the Crows are stuffed blah blah" when they get beaten by the best team in the comp, but the Pies lose to a team out of the 8 and well, it's just one of those things.
As Dave would say, "Rubbish!"
The Doggies gave the Bombers a hiding on friday night. Not unexpected cos the Bombers are crap. But then crap can win games on occasion, provided they are playing crapper. Evidence? Port. They beat the Eagles. They probably think that means they are the best team in the comp now. And while the Cats had a sleep in against the Dees and the Blues destroyed the Swans in the last quarter, it was the Tigers v Roooos that got the tipsters talking... yep... 3 of you picked the draw!!! Unbelievable.
The Tipsters
Yep... 3 of you... First up beandmor picked the draw + 6 others and managed 16 points which launches his late season raid - he's in to... err... 54th. Ok. Well Asylum Seeker ALSO picked a draw, managed 15 points and is in to FIRST... - at least SOMEone got some use out of it! Shockeroo scored 15 as well and moved to the middle of the table. So you see, you can never count yourself out eh? :)
That means AS and Line in the Sand are both equal first, one clear of 101, who are clear of grunter and footy junkie - who are WELL clear of 6th... hmmm!
The side comp is down to 5... derby n showdown are yer games... $30.
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