Friday 27 May 2011

Round 10

Greetings Tippers, a timely post as we preview Round 10.

Dees v Blues = battle of the walking wounded. More outs for the Demons this week. Probably takes the heat of Dean Bailey as they struggle to get their season off the ground. Blues over achieving by plenty at the minute. Expect them to do it comfortably at the G.

North v Swannies. Am smelling an upset at Etihad. The loss of the Mummy, Andrejs and Jack will give the Roos a sniff. Worth the centre bet odds methinks.

Freo v The Sinners. The Purple Haze will get the chocoloates. No Sandilands no dramas as the Saints dont play with a ruckman these days anyway.

Suns v Cats. Cats not taking this too seriously. Just resting half the backline. The footy unlikely to spend any real time in the defensive 50 anyway. At least 15 goals to the Catters.

Tigers v Port. Port will win the spoon (or at least at Round 11 they will). Nuff said.

Crows v Lions. After last week, the Crows are capable of playing 3 quarters of very impressive footy. The Lions have maybe 2 quarters in em. That means the Crows will win?!

Pies v Eagles. Upset this week? Pies should have the coverage of an Eagles team that aint the same away from Pattersons Curse (Stadium). Krak Magic on the cards. Hopefully this week its goal of the year?

Enjoy the footy.


Thursday 26 May 2011

Round 9: Bunch of Plankers

WHO GIVES A $HIT ABOUT PLANKING?  SERIOUSLY!  I can't believe it is even spoken about.  People have been laying down in front of trains for thousands of years (OK... not thousands...) but you take a photo, call it planking and it's front fruggin page news.  Gimme a break.

Rumours that the Crows planked in the final quarter are slightly unfounded by the way.  They tanked.  That's the trouble with having the TAB on yer phone now.  Do you know what the odds were on Tarrant kicking 2 goals?  22 players + Craigie knew exactly what they were and away we go...

Anyway you all know the results now, and The Nipster has had his chance to gloat for long enough.  He spent 6 hours emailing me photo's of Pies players in the last 20 mins of the game but now claims he is time poor.  Typical.

Still, the weekend was good for two things.  The Bombers lost to the Tigers.  Probably cos Dave was so chockas full of confidence.  That is the best part of the Bombers winning - seeing him get oh so cocky.  And then they lose.  SUCKED IN.  The second part was of course seeing the Paps go down like a sack of smelly stuff.  BOTTOM of the table I believe.  They've played two games more than the Suns and are still well behind em.  They are starting to embarrass me.  I wonder if they would secede from the rest of Adelaide?

The Tippers
Well first up as mentioned, the side comp has been won by first time tipper TheChez.  $135 going to the fund.  Done.  Great work and it starts again so get yer side comp pick in.

For the weeks tips, 3 people picked 7 from 8 - great effort from Casey, fava and zingaroo given the 50/50s on display.  Leading the way by a point though is Nelson Rocks - excellent.... but plenty of time left and it has tightened across the board.

Round 10
I hesitate to say this but I reckon this is a fairly cut n dried round.  So lets just say... Blues, Dockers, Cats, Tigers, Crows, Pies, Hawks.  The one true 50/50 is the Roos n Swans but if the Swans lost I'd be surprised... and I'm never surprised...

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Round 9: Quiet

Yes I've been quiet.  But that's cos The Nipster has promised to bring his A-Game to the table, and following on from his team, he's clearly waiting until the last quarter before he does anything...

Monday 23 May 2011

KNOCKOUT WINNER!!!! and the restart.

YES you heard it here first.  We have a winner.  And it serves you all right for picking the BOMBERS as your certainty.  One day you will learn.

But anyway, the winner is first time player, long time listener TheChez scooting away with $135 - nice work.  TheChez... if yer out there somewhere... send me your details.  You know the ones - to the account OnceGreat doesn't know about?

So it all starts again - choose from any game this week... go on... go for GOLD!

Monday 16 May 2011

Round 8: The Dust Settles

So who of you thought that after 8 rounds, the Sinners would be sitting below the Suns on the table! Unbelievable.  What has happened to the Saints?  We all expected the Paps would be at the bottom, and the Lions... well only they could lose to the Bombers like that... but the Sinners... WTF???  Is Lenny Hayes THAT good???  Are they missing him THAT much?  Anything is possible but for those of you that picked the Sinners for the Granny... time to work out where you are going to get an extra 2 points back on the field cos they are GONE!  If yer wondering where the precedent for this is... well I remember back-to-backs for the Crows being followed by an almight thud.  The Sinners could have won a couple... now they are goneskie.

I was never worried on Saturday watching the Crows fall four goal behind in the first quarter.  I always had faith.  We may be bad, but we ain't Port.  That said, the Crows are still only an average team *sighs*  Ablett had 348 touches in the first 10 minutes - what was going on there? Shocking.  At least there's Port.  They are sitting second last, but have played one more game than Brissy and have lower percentage... an absolute bunch of hacks.

And injuries... oh dear.  Hawthorn.  Essendon.  Beginning of the End.  Although to be fair for the Hawks it is a continuation on of the end.  But Jobe Smith (the milkmans surname was Smith) is out for a while and the chinks will start to show...

The Tippers
A few 7's this week but the major failings for folk were the Dockers and the Pies.  Mind you, 23% of you thought the Cats were gonna get up this week.  The Gays seemed to think that the Crows would lose to the Suns - ON YOUR BIKE MADZZZZZZY and MR CRICKET JR!  With that kind of picking you are DOOMED TO FAILURE!

In the side comp we lost another and are down to 6 in the race for $135 - this week you have to tip from the Saturday Games Only.

Round 9
Some more hard picks this week with the Blues take on the high flying Cats this week.  Big test for the Blues - they rate themselves.  I don't.  Cats to floggem. 

On Saturday the Sinners take on the Dees.  Both are Losers.  The Dees will still be Losers on Sunday though.  The Paaaaah and Dockers... hmmm.  Homeground advantage to the Paaaaaaah and they must be taking an awful hiding back in Uggelaide.  Will they respond like the Dees did a cuppla weeks ago...?  I'm half suspecting they may sneak home in this one, but it will take the Dockers to fall asleep to do it. Can't pick tha Paaaaaaaaa.

The Lions host the Roos Saturday night and they are showing signs.  I know they are winless but are they the best side not to win any of their first 7 games for a year?  The Roos are shizer.  Lions to get one on the board and push the Paps to the bottom of the table.  Then we have the Tigers n Bombers.  I'd love the Tigers to get up in this one.  It's definitely winnable... do you tippem though? Dave?

The Match of the Round is Sunday.  Yep, some say this is a preview of the 2011/2012 Grand Finals, but I don't think the Pies will be up to it in 2012.  The Pies host the Crows.  You can expect great stuff from the Crows - tip against them at your peril.  Yer only as good as yer last game, and the Crows won, the Pies lost.  Nuff said.  Then the Swans host the Hawkers.  The Hawks have been smashed by more injuries and the Swans have too much going well for them.  Easy win.  Finally the Eagles n Doggies... The Doggies have a good record in the West - they'll continue it as they lurch back into 2011 contention.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Round 8 - Bring on 2012

Yep, I'm already over 2011.  The only thing that keeps me going is the pitifulness of the Paaaaaah.  Of course that could change this weekend...

In the tips for round 7 we had 5 people getting a 7 from 8.  Not a bad effort when you consider the Crows got beaten by the Deeeees, the Suns beat the Lions and the Tigers beat the Dockers.  So we've got three people out in front now - Chris Pudd's hair transplants, nelson rocks, and Syneeeeeeee.  And it seems to be getting tighter by the week.  All good.

But it's all about Round 8 now, and the big game is the Cats v Pies.  Both teams at full strength bar Jolly.  Jolly is in my dream team so that shouldn't be a massive surprise to you all.  This is the first proper test for the Pies this year, and some would say the first real test for the Cats - although their win over the Dockers was a pretty good one.  I'll tip the Pies but dem Cats haven't dropped like a few of you thought - hopefully it will just be an absolute ripper of a game.

The Kangas take on the Dees on Saturday... hmmm have the Dees had their big win of the year?  Teams that respond like the Dees did sometimes also go through a massive loss the next week.  Plus they have injuries, and they lost that absolute THUG through suspension.  Shoulda been 6 weeks.  The Roos to get off the mat and win this one.  And OBVIOUSLY you can mark the Crows down for a win over the Suns.  AS IF we'd get beaten by another $hit team.  We seem to only get beaten by $hit teams though - I just wish there were better teams in the comp.

Lions n Bombers, Swans n Power... Well the Swans should smash the Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaathetic Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, but I have a feeling the Lions may take it up to the Bombaaaaas who are just about to turn the corner and find themselves in poo-ville.

The Hawks take on the Saints... big game for both teams really.  People are saying the Sinners may have turned the corner, and the Hawks... well they haven't beaten much this year have they.  Toughest game of the round in my humble.  But then there is the Doggies n Tigers.  Surely the Doggies will be able to get over the Tigers?  If not then the Doggies are GONE 2011.  Finally the derby.  The Eagles are playing above themselves.  Or are they?  Have they beaten a decent team REALLY?  I haven't seen them actually beat a good team yet... the Dockers for mine.

Monday 9 May 2011


Simple - i'd hate for you to back the Crows and be knocked out!

Round 7: The Answers

No, it ain't quite over yet (Round 7, as opposed to Season 2011 for the Crows), but in answer to all the questions regarding the Round 7 results:
  • No
  • No
  • 2012
  • No
  • Nup
  • $hit
  • Absolutely no idea
  • Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark off.

Monday 2 May 2011

Decisions Decisions...

What a weekend that was!  Friday night was possibly the hardest decision making night of my life.  Lets see, we had The Footy - Sydney v Carlton in the absolute pouring rain.  Cats, Dogs, Roos, Swans... yep animals were going down 4x4 just in case 2x2 was not enough, it was THAT HEAVY.  Then of course we had The Wedding.  HOW EXCITING!!! OOOOH What will she look like?  What will they say? Oh my.  Hold me back.  FROM MY SHOTGUN BIATCHES!

And then there was The Bieber.  A true artist at work.  This lad has it all.  Hair.  Autotune.  Silver spangly tracksuits.  What can I possibly say that hasn't already been said about him?

No, rather than listen to me, lets go to the reviews by his 12yo female and effeminate male fanbase: OMG!!! HSDUSFHSDJGFU!!! SHUT UUUUUP! AMAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG

Bad Arsed Dude.

Anyway between screaming at the Bieb and watching The Wedding, I did manage to glance at the footy app on my BiebPhone4.EVER, and noticed that Sydney lost to the CHEATING scum that is carlton.  Yep, at a crucial time the steward made an complete F-Up of a decision (acknowledged now), handing the BlueBaggers 6 points and the momentum swing in a low scoring tight-arsed game.  The only thing missing from the admission is that Juddy put them up to it.  I looked away at the point though cos Biebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa was singing BaybeeeeeBaybeeeeeeeeBayBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and i almost long control of my pelvic flaw oh my he is soooooooo hawt!

Lucky mum woz waiting outside to pick me up because i woz like, so hot.  It was THE BEST DAYZ OF MY LIFE!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!

So how bad are the Dees?  Very.  But you knew that.  But I'll tell you what... not as BADARSE AS BIEBER! HA!  And dare I say, not as bad as Port.  Now I know the Paps supporters will still come back and say yeah hey we still beat the Crows and blah blah blah, but seriously, does beating the Crows come second in your Bieberlike mind to say... winning more than 2 games for the year?  If thats the highlight of the year for Port players and supporters, then you can have it every year, cos yer crap.  Watching that game was more embarrasing than watching the Suns - at least we all know the Suns will be good in a cuppla years time - Port will still be hobbling along cheering the fact they beat the Crows and finished 17th just ahead of GWS.

Speaking of the Crows... Ando - three quarters is apparently enough to take care of 2nd and 3rd tier teams such as the Hawks n Saints (we only played 20 mins against Port and still only just lost).  The Mighty Mighty's were never in doubt, but the Sinners... well it's ugly innit?  Hero to Zero.  Actually reminds me of Crows circa 1999... whoops.  Glad I didn't pick em for the Granny!

The Pies kept on keeping on - beating the Doggies fairly comfy in the end.  And the Tigers were never gonna lose to the Lions.  Seriously.

Baaaaybeeee Bayyyyybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee BAAAAAAYYYYYBEEEEEEEEEE!

New leader - thats what happens when the Bieb hitz downetowne!  Yep, 2 of the Bieb's greatest fans picked a full house on the weekend - FootyBiebs and JustinBiebMarriedMyHairOMG! - the Hair is now leading the comp cos Syneeeeeeee died in the buttocks picking just 4 from 7.  Whoops.  He should have stuck with the ole adage "When The Bieb is In da House, Home Game's will be Grouse".

Round 7
OMG! It's Round 7!  That's amazing.  And it kicks off with the Best Team in the The Port Flower Power playing Da Hawks.  I would kinda love Port to win this - just so I can laugh at Ando - but realistically it ain't gonna happen.  Not if the Hawks have any kinda hope of going Top 4 in 2011.

On Saturday there are some games tighter than the front row of a Bieber concert (sorry...).  First the Dogs host the Swans.  Both teams off a loss, both teams probably consider themselves top 6 contenders - maybe top 4... I think the Dogs in Melbourne - just cos of the home ground advantage.

Actually I just noticed the Cats n Kangas - this is more like... as tight as a front row of an Andre Rieu concert... (oh thats just wrong).  The Cats will win easily.  Then there is the Tigers n Dockers in Melbourne.  This is a game the Dockers need to (and should) win.  But dare I say the Tigers are playing ok?  Not as Ok as the Dockers though - they'll win it comfortably.

Saturday night has the Suns n Lions duking it out.  Until the Suns smashed the Paps, we all assumed this was the Suns first chance at winning what will forever be known as the Banana Split.  The Suns MUST be hurting after the weekend, and the Lions aren't playing that bad.  Hard to tip the Suns - I think they will need to wait until the next Paps game before they get their second win.

On Sunday the Bombers will easily beat the Eagles - who have been blessed with the easiest draw in the Comp - and the Dees will fall into a further mire as the inexperienced but far too Mighty Crows take home the points.  Finally the Saints and Blues.  Last Chance Saloon really for the Sinners... this may be your upset pick...