Thursday 26 May 2011

Round 9: Bunch of Plankers

WHO GIVES A $HIT ABOUT PLANKING?  SERIOUSLY!  I can't believe it is even spoken about.  People have been laying down in front of trains for thousands of years (OK... not thousands...) but you take a photo, call it planking and it's front fruggin page news.  Gimme a break.

Rumours that the Crows planked in the final quarter are slightly unfounded by the way.  They tanked.  That's the trouble with having the TAB on yer phone now.  Do you know what the odds were on Tarrant kicking 2 goals?  22 players + Craigie knew exactly what they were and away we go...

Anyway you all know the results now, and The Nipster has had his chance to gloat for long enough.  He spent 6 hours emailing me photo's of Pies players in the last 20 mins of the game but now claims he is time poor.  Typical.

Still, the weekend was good for two things.  The Bombers lost to the Tigers.  Probably cos Dave was so chockas full of confidence.  That is the best part of the Bombers winning - seeing him get oh so cocky.  And then they lose.  SUCKED IN.  The second part was of course seeing the Paps go down like a sack of smelly stuff.  BOTTOM of the table I believe.  They've played two games more than the Suns and are still well behind em.  They are starting to embarrass me.  I wonder if they would secede from the rest of Adelaide?

The Tippers
Well first up as mentioned, the side comp has been won by first time tipper TheChez.  $135 going to the fund.  Done.  Great work and it starts again so get yer side comp pick in.

For the weeks tips, 3 people picked 7 from 8 - great effort from Casey, fava and zingaroo given the 50/50s on display.  Leading the way by a point though is Nelson Rocks - excellent.... but plenty of time left and it has tightened across the board.

Round 10
I hesitate to say this but I reckon this is a fairly cut n dried round.  So lets just say... Blues, Dockers, Cats, Tigers, Crows, Pies, Hawks.  The one true 50/50 is the Roos n Swans but if the Swans lost I'd be surprised... and I'm never surprised...

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