Wednesday 23 September 2015

Adjusted Leaderboard and Prizemoney

Ok ok its been 5 months since my last blog.
Why do I feel like this is Confession?
Yep I've been quieter than Jay Schulz in front of goal this season. But hey it's finals and I'm back baby. With all the goss I might add.
I had a look back at my prediction in April re the Cats not making the 8 and how you could make money. Did ya listen? Did ya did ya? No. So stop judging me for my lack of blogs.
Tell you what Dr Phanto didnt listen, he tipped em for the GF. Did he mean Spoon?
Still, what do I know as I tipped Port for the GF...and GF they did, right royally. I blame Vossy...just sayin...

Mind you 11 people tipped I was far from alone...unlike I am right now, sitting in this room, sipping a lil red, madly typing drivel, pretending next season will be better, knowing that Vossy is still there...lurking, ready to F up at any given point. I mean I can understand why Port got him, look at what he did at the Lions...picked up some star recruits...and stuffed the team for about 10 years. Hang on he also did that Rookie show thing...and the kid just got delisted.
I digress. Ok ok I'll get to the point. Are we there yet? Not much further.
Ok I cant adjust the leaderboard in the footytips website cos some people cant be a$$ed giving me editing rights...and I cant be a$$ed editing. Well it is confession isnt it?
I've taken off points for finalists in the wrong part of the ladder, I've added points for the correct spooner, I've taken off points for spooners in the top part of the ladder, I've converted Celsius to Fahrenheit, I've re-acquainted myself with sin cos and tan, I've created formulas excel didn't know existed, I've flyed to the moon and back just to be just to be your baby yer, I've taken off points for those #$@$!@#ers who haven't paid, and I've come up with this leader board with just the 2 prelims and 1 GF to play:

Tipper Score after wk2 of finals Deduct for Gfinalist in bottom 10 Deduct for Spooner in top8 Add for correct Spooner Deduct for being w@nker and not paying Total Current Score
Pizerul 150 -2       148
Samurai Su 149 -2

BJAK 147

Peter Tancred 148

Pavstheman 145

Crazieburn 144

MadJacob 143

Andrew Casey 143

Tom Rosewall 142

Joseph McAleer 144 -2

John Murray 142

Geebz 142

Corageous Cale Morton 144 -2

Hookster 141

David Polkinghorne 140

ruby2shoes 140 -2


Gutterguard 138

Drizabone 140 -2

His Goaliness 137

Nelson Rocks 136

Mr Cricket Jr 136

Wildjohny 137 -2

Horseboy 136 -2

Why is Mick still the coach? 136 -2 -2

MsPulga 132

Shokeroo 131

Delores 129

Dennis Cu 126

Crows FC 126

Sean Langcake 81

Taalia Paukkunen 131

-100 31
Chooka 127 -2 -2
-100 23
Pavpaa 121

-100 21
-100 19
DrPhanto 119 -2

-100 17
kristine wallace 115

-100 15
louman 108

-100 8
PieMad 99

3 -100 2
The Falcon

smokin' joe 89

-100 -11
Paul Askew 83

-100 -17
Mark Williamson 78       -100 -22

So, what does all that mean? O konno know....I said he doesn't know. Not true, its just  thats how I roll, animal print pants outta control. Actually its just the red kicking in (ahh sorry, but at last).
Ok Ok it means not a lot of change at the top - but all that can still change when the GF tips kick in. I'll try to blog again next week...or in the next 5 months, whenever I'm good and ready...bear with me though. Hey I coulda wrote "bare" with me and that woulda had a whole new connotation. Hang on, next time someone asks me to bear with them I'll put em under arrest, or file a lawsuit or something..or maybe just forget this whole stupid conversation, as I'm want to do in a morning post reds in an evening.
Right now onto the Money. The moula. The filthy lucre. Yer baby, show it to me. Oh hang on I'm showing it to you...I thought we'd moved on from the whole bare with me...oh right back on track, the cashola. Well, I've made my decision and unlike the judges on the X factor I'm not changing it every 5 seconds. I want you in my team.
Sorry, wrong decision. I've made a decision re the cash break up.
For the Bare with me prize, sorry the Streak (same thing?) it's a straight (I hope so) $90 to the winner. And that winner is "Why is Mick still the Coach". Congrats, I'll donate that to the save the Oncegreat fund. Nar nar only kidding I'll send it to ya...sometime...
For the rest of us I intend to break it up as per below. Yep I've got a 9th prize, for the princely sum of why bother. But hey. Ok folks any probs message me. ta ta
1st $350
2nd $155
3rd $100
4th $80
5th $60
6th $40
7th $30
8th $15
9th $10      

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