Sunday 5 April 2009

Round 2: Old. Slow. Stupid.

Heya Ladies...

It's been a long week. I am getting Old. And with every gig I go to, I feel older... *sighs* But on occasion there is a gig that can make me feel young(er), and The Who was one such gig. I reckon you know yer at an oldies gig either when there are more people playing the pokies or bingo than watching the actual event - this would normally be at a NoiseWorks gig at the local RSL, or when the strobe effect from the light show gets a bounce off peoples chrome domes. And they all belong to women. Everyone was so old at The Who that I was younger than half the sons in the special "Grandfathers and Sons" area.

"Hope I Die Before I Get Old"... pardon? A bit late for THAT one Mr Daltrey. And there wasn't even a trace of irony in its delivery. Only Moonie managed to get that one right. But fair cop to them Guv’ - they did the deal. In the parlance of the industry, they Rocked. Mostly in rocking chairs. I was a bit taken aback to look to my left and see a grown man with a tear in his eye during Baba O’Reilly though. Struth.

The Crows played like a bunch of old men on Friday night against the Sinners. I'm going to blame the tough game the week before though. And the Umpires cos they are CRAP. Seriously. They are a plot-free zone at the moment. Bock gave away a free kick for breathing at Riewoldt halfway through the 3rd quarter. In Dave terminology, "They Are Rubbish". The umps I mean. OK, on the night The Sinners were too good. And Koshitsme has played 2 good games in a row. What is going on there? He's due to get blindsided. i think the Crows should tear up like Eddie.

But enough of the footy. Old age. I remember when I played cricket with the mighty Flinders University Cricket Club (go the FUCCs!) and the Highway Inn on Anzac Highway was considered "Grab a Granny". All you Adelaide folk out there know what I’m talking about… of course that probably meant the gals there were late 20s. If I were single and on the prowl I'd feel like I was going to a crèche if I went there now. *sighs*

So on Saturday arvo the Cats had an easy game against the Tiggers. Cept they didn't. See, again, it is because they had a tough game the week before... can you see how my ducks are falling into line? I don't think it is because they are all old. But they are all balding so who knows. Ottens out for the year. Too old. So, are the Tiggers actually a reasonable team? No. They are crap. The Cats just had a holiday. And you can put the Pies/Dees game in the same ballpark because we ALL know the Dees are crap. Fact. But yes, the Pies were a little tired early on before smashing em. Move on.

Of more questionable matter is the Swans n Hawks. The Hawks did play crap. And a majority of their goals came from free kicks. It was like they didn't know what to do when they were near the opposition goals. "Why can't we just run it through for another point? It won us a Premiership. What's the problem?". The umpires were again CRAP, this time with Bazza on the receiving end of some dubious decisions. I saw more tears – this time from MadJacob. But is it that the Swans aren't as bad as we all thought? Or did the Hawkers just put in a bad one... As Sammy Hagar once said, "Only time will tell if we stand the test of time". Lyrical genius, and unalterably true. Bless.

The Blues beat the Lions… and Browny goes on report. Blues looking reasonable. Lions destined for 12th.

And on Sunday as predicted the Bombers got ¼ of their season wins, the Doggies just got home against the Roos, and the Paaaaah showed they are Paaaaaathetic and lost to the Eagles. During the week Chad “Soft Boy” Cornes indicated he wants to play 22 games against the Bombers every yeare. Newsflash Boyo. EVERYONE wants to play the Bombers 22 times a year. Cept the Dockers.

The Tippers

It all tightened up this week – the Crows and Hawks results had a few wrong footed, and for some reason a majority of you thought the Paaaa were half-decent – stop listening to Mike Sheahan and you will all go much better. SIX tippers, however, managed a very handy 7 from 8, including some who did a little less that great last week… nice comeback ladies. At the other end Judge Dredd managed 3 from 8. Whoops.

Leading the pack overall are 5 likely people, including new comer Muchacho1, our European Correspondent the Asylum Seeker, our Adelaide lady 101, and the BlueBagger -Chris Judds Price Fixer.
In the side comp… well a few of you lost out by choosing the Crows (sorry), and we are now down to 40 people in with a show at what is now $30… Were you all nervy during the Cats game?

Round 3
Some challenging games folkettes… first up the Cats n the Pies. Are the Cats vulnerable? Tough game to pick. Most will pick the Cats but you would think the Pies supporters out there would have the testicular fortitude to back their own team. Actually, knowing them all, I know they don’t and won’t.

Saints will smash the Beagles and Bye Bye Bombers, here come the Blues. Lions n Swannies… hmmm tough game. Lets wait on Browny for that one, but in the battle of the Spoon, the Paaah should give the Dees a smackin across the loins.

Kangas n Hawks. Both coming off losses. Can the Hawks win a game in 2009? Ando? Gonna send me some more injury news this week? The Crows will give it to the Dockers despite it being in purple territory, and finally the Dogs will smash the Tiggers. Actually, the Ded Cert is a toughy this week….

Good luck all – any questions, email me!

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