Monday 13 April 2009

Round 3 - Trashed n Treasure

Ahh the thrill of moving. Sweet Joy. It does take it out of one. But I have had enough time to catch the odd game of footy, so can't complain too much.

It is of course Stocktake time when you move - "should it stay or should I throw" to paraphrase the 2nd most over-rated band in History. We all know the MOST over-rated band so I won't bother mentioning their name. But yes, Stocktake. We had the obligatory Garage Sale aka Exchange of Items Amongst Neighbours. This is closely followed by the Trip to the Local Vinnies. Which is followed by the Whoops I Should Have Put That in the Sale Yesterday. It is all gold.

*sighs* Looking through the rubbish - I mean treasure - we found my '21st' key. Oh the glory days. I now know how it feels to be a Bombers supporter thinking of the 80's, a Dees supporter in the 50's, and a Dockers supporter... never. I was once a young mean moshin' machine *sighs* Music was good. None of this RUBBISH you hear now folks... oh no... it was all GOOD... the lyrics meant something man... so it is no wonder that The Crows were born around the same time as I was 21 eh? Now THERE is a lyric! The Pride of South Austraya - I think they got Johnny Young in to write that one. But I can't help but think the Crows are a little underdone a the moment - a bit like me at 19 really. Yes I won my battles in the Pit! Yes my Doc marks are all over numerous fellow kiddies heads n t-shirt. But it wasn't exactly a Motorhead gig was it? You Am I and Tumbleweed at the Holdy at the Bay is a fair double act but the Comancheros aren't on patrol are they? Ditto the Crows effort on Sunday. Yes, we won. With a player down. But we played the Dockers. I mean puh-lease. The Purple Haze are Crap. Now, let me spell that rude word for you. F.R.E.M.A.N.T.L.E. As Daaave would say. Rubbish. Yup you weren't in the minority if you picked 'em for bottom, and if you didn't pick em for bottom it's only cos you figured they'll probably beat the Bombers at home, the Dees everywhere, and the Cats at the Cattery just to piss you off when you made the Cats yer certainty.

But back to the Crows - no, at this stage I'm not declaring them Top. But they will finish Top 6. They'll finish above the Paaaah and earn me $50 in the process, and they'll certainly finish above the Dockers. And yes, even with Mr Bock in the Dock, they were 50/50 to beat the Dockers... so surely all the Adelaide Faithful would tip them. SURELY. I thought that with TreeFiddy flitting his way around Asia that we would have removed DISLOYALTY from the workbench, but no... the disloyal DO exist. And it has leapt across the Hay Plains like a rogue fruit fly on the vapour trail of a juicy valencia, and is now sitting in an abode in Adelaide somewhere. Yes, BOTH 101 and Gutterguard felt the need to be DISLOYAL this week. *sighs* Disappointing? Yes. Surprising? No. Well, I can't lie can I? At least the Grunter did the right thing - although I think they call that 'Hedging the Bets...'.

The Blues. They've got plenty of 21 year olds in their group and they have rave reviews. Are they the RatCat of our time? Don't Go Now? Over rated? Maybe. But they'll win more than they lose. And I don't hit skip when they get on the random play. As opposed to The Bombers. Better than we thought? NO! The Bombers are still crap. Just because Lloydy fell forward a half-dozen times, don't let them fool you. The Blues are allowed to have bad days - we all woke up with a few unsourced peas on the jim-jams only to get a stern talking to from The Coach. So yes, they lost, but they'll be back - the Bombers won't be.

Oh the Tigers. How can so many people have been so wrong? I admit I was one of them. THIRTEEN WINS I pencilled in for them in some stupid comp that forces you to pick the wins per team at the beginning of the season. Sheesh. It had to be an economists idea eh? The Tigers won't score 13 wins over the next 3 seasons. By Round 15 Danny Frawley will be the Coach again. And the doggies weren't much better. Is Adam Cooney the most pathetic Brownlow Medalist of all time? Akkers still has a touch of class though and there's enough to make them top 4.

The Cats n Pies. The Pies... well they were playing the Cats. Simple. And while yer pencilling in middle of the road teams, you can pencil the Sinners in. I'm not sure about you but I'm fairly comfy having picked the Eagles for bottom. Kerr and Cox aside, they have nothing. So really I couldn't care less how much the Sinners won by.

On the East Coast the Lions beat the Swans. What a stunning game. Fantastic. *yawns* jumble that round and you get swany. which is nearly swans. Any team that has LRT play 101 games for them will only ever win 1 premiership. THAT is my tip to you. The Lions will finish 11th with 8 wins. As will the Roos, cept percentage will push em down to 12th. The Hawks spanked em. And the Hawks lost to the Swans last week so do yer sums. The Roos are still coming to terms with some rampant chook. It's a bluddy chicken. Get over it. Did it have a name on it? Did it say "I Am Woman Chicken, I represent All Women Chicken?". I dunno. I don't think it did. All I know for sure is my chicken on you tube days are OVER. An Adelaide player would never do that to a chicken. We respect our poultry.

The Paps are Craps. But they have a favorable early draw and got to play the Dees. So people will get on that bandwagon. Tredders is Ports Matty Lloyd. And i almost apologise to Treddy for saying that. Tredders will kick a few goals on very rare occasions and keep himself in the team for long enough to be an overall hinderance to their progress. If he played cricket you would call him Haydos. Did you know Cassisi was their Captain? Apparently when he isn't hitting people off the ball, he plays in the midfield.

The Tipsters
Ladies, there were a bevvy of 7's this week but Horseboy was not one of them. Our leader was though - yes, working for the Royal Bank of Scotland is doing the Asylum Seeker much good with his tips and the 7 keeps in in the lead along with Chris Judd's price fixer. Behind them there is a spread forming... already the paulverizor is a round (with a bonus point) down on the leader. ouch.

In the Horseboy Jr. Comp, D Master and hschafer lead the way on 18 - I hope they are dealing out the brown stuff to their respective elders as they lead them mightily...

And in the Side Comp - it's up to $40 next week and a heap of fools fell out as they picked the Blues for the Ded Cert. Whoops. Down to 27 people - more than half gone in 3 weeks... ahhh glorious.

Round 4
Some interesting games this week. It's usually 5 or 6 rounds before we can really get a feel for writing off teams, but this week will show a few things...

First up the Lions n Pies. If the Pies are contenders, they'd want to win this one. We all know the Lions won't make the 8 but they won't be pushovers, so expect Eddy to be asking for answers on Monday from Mr Gieschen. On Saturday there are 2 pearlers. The Hawks n Power up first. Why is the a pearler? Because I enjoy watching the Paaah get smashed. HA! Then the Swans take on the Blues at the SCG. This is a tough pick. I'm tempted to go the Swans. But then for whatever reason I picked em against the Lions so don't trust me. The Blues will run run run. Shame I can't be there but if anyone wants a ticket or 3 let me know ASAP.

On Saturday night there will be 2 slaughters. *sighs* The Sinners will smash the Dockers, and I am not afraid to say that the Cats will likely have the measure of the young Crows. Bring on round 5 i say.

The Roos n Bombers. Oh Lordy. Two Rubbish Teams. Dave - who are you picking? Surely the Roos will be too good? In the battle for the bottom 14, the Tigers play the Dees. Oh I Will Laugh if the Dees win. Seriously, do you think Tez would last much longer if they lost? and the Eagles and Doggies in the West. When yer tipping here, don't forget what the Eagles did to the Paaah 2 weeks ago... oh ok... fair enough - it WAS the Paaaah....

Any probs... drop me a line!

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