Sunday 31 May 2009

Round Ten - There's Gonna Be Some Rockin!

For Those About To Rock, We Salute You!

Yes, the Mighty AC/DC are coming to a town near you soon. And that even includes Adelaide - the true definition of a Town - note the Capital? Although looking around recently I am concerned that Adelaide is the centre of all things Trend - it seems if yer between 15 and 25 and yer not wearing yer uggies in a public place, you just aren't Hip. It's just goddamn scary. STOP IT before I shake yer foundations - damnit it's just a touch too much *sighs*

But to the footy. Maybe the knowledge that the Aged Rock Gods are coming back for One Last Tour - no not Johnny Farnham - AccaDacca - has caused the Mighty Crows to stand up. Yup the Crows weren't beatin around the bush when they smashed n grabbed the four points from the riff raff that was Hawthorn in the first half of the game on Sunday. Of course the standard third quarter problem child reared it's ugly head - zippo goals scored to 4 in this game and TWENTY ONE goals against to just four goals scored over the last four games in the third quarter... Whatever they're doing at halftime it is nothing but badlands my friend, but if we can just ignore that - which you can when the draw finally opens up and you start playing a whole lotta rosie's - the Mighty's are back in black. yes they're back. in. black. *plays air guitar for 23 seconds of solo* *phew* Never in doubt. Christo Knights is a livewire, Talyor walker over you, and Rutts n the LadyBeater showed some meanstreak in the backline. All good. Come on Bocky - we all know playin with girls gonna get you chopped, yeah playin with girls gonna get you dropped.

Now I know yer all thinking... just how many ac/dc songs can the Horseboy put into his blog this week? A LOT! ;)

So, how bout them tiges eh? You'd have to be pretty good to tip them! (or stupid). I did say to the Pizerule and TreeFiddy that they should tippem but only if they dare. And dare I did. It is of course a given that half the team didn't tip themselves because they've got a lazy tonner on Tezza being sacked after round 11, but not so young Mitch Morton. Nup he had a sense of show business and after spraying it wide against the Paps, this time he spanked the winning goal around the corner - nice. Good to see Benny keeps his public persona in check. Black ice indeed. As opposed to Bocky and those Black Eyes.

On Friday night the Blues won. Well derrr. They were playing the Eagles in Melbourne. Not exactly hard as a rock eh? The Fev kicked some goals. Well... derrr... they were playing the Eagles in Melbourne. Yup, the way the papers were talking you would think the Blues were TNT. Sorry to remind you folks but the Blues played the Eagles in Melbourne. If you think thats a great win, then I'm afraid all too soon you'll be shot down in flames. On yer bike. On Saturday the Doggies took on the Swans in the Nations Capital. No, not Mt Gambier - home of that beautiful Blue Lake. Canberra. Gotta say I thought the Swans would win this one so to see them sit there spellbound on a stormy may day did my tips no good at all! Stupid me. LRT was playing. And the best part was when he tried to exert a little manhood. Oh gold. The Dogs were talking. But that doesn't make much sense cos that's an Angels song. So maybe it was Dog Eat Dog. Maybe.

The Magpies played the Pies on Sunday. For about 22 seconds I thought oh... the Paps are looking like they mean war. I felt kicked in the teeth as the Paps drew first blood and I started to rethink my tip - are the Pies that bad - would they go down? Of course they are, but no they wouldn't. They could still rather comprehensively leave the Paps deep in a hole. And they did. Good!

Most things went to plan this weekend in my quest to get nine teams on 5 n 5 after ten rounds, but sadly the Lions were too good for the Roos. Not surprising but when you have the downpayment blues like the Roos, and a coach like Laides, it must feel like yer havin a nervous shakedown every game.

Finally, both the Sinners and the Catters made it Ten from Ten and both against rather feminine opposition - the Dees and the Dons respectively. I heard Mike Sheahan say that the Cats were in trouble cos Ottens is injured. Yeah... they're REALLY struggling Mike - yer right on the money there! The Cats are the weakest side to ever win 54 from 58 games. Or something like that cos I can't be stuffed lookin it up. The Sinners keep performing pretty well but the Dees are hardly gonna cause a breakdown. Watching bits of that game reminded me of just how bad teams play in patches. Dees. Give it up. So yes, the Sinners are playing well - 10 from 10 doesn't lie - but as we all know, it's a long way to the top if you wanna premiership hold.

The Tippers
Eleven 7's this week. As opposed to 7 elevens which is a buncha stores. The Doggies were the main impediment for many. Ok, for me. Bloody Swans. Hells bells, if only I'd picked the Dogs *sighs*

Overall 101 is now two points clear at the top. Huge effort. Clearly the lack of anything interesting to do in Adelaide is allowing her to cleanse her mind of all ruff stuff. In equal second are her spawn Grunter, and The Nipster. Hmm... people will start talking. King/Queen of the ponyboys table are Luke (the cute one) and Maddstar - 2 clear of their demonspawn bro D Master. Bragging rights f'sure.

In the side comp its the same ole same ole... and yes, I will need to start forcing your hand soon... you can't sit there and pick the Sinners or Cats EVERY week or you'll find yourself thunderstruck. or something.

Round 11
Round 11 is my favorite week because it means I get to hum Bon Jovi. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah we're halfway there... whoa-oa, livin on a prayer... GOLD jerry!

But I'll be back for my thoughts a little later... :) Can I sit next to you girl?

Wednesday 27 May 2009

5 n 5

So, if the results go Carlton, North, Adelaide, Cats, Pies, there will be 9 teams on 5 n 5. Fark eh?

Sunday 24 May 2009

Round 9:The Cream of Da Crop

It seemed the cream finally rose to the top this week ladies. Yes, you know what I'm talkin bout. The Crows spanked the Blues in the easiest cash transfer made since the Swans spanked the Blues 6 weeks ago. No, I was never worried - it was always in hand, and when it went from 10 goals to 5 in the third quarter, "here we go again" never entered my mind. It's all about Confidence!

But you can imagine my surprise when I was informed (by a man that put $10 on the Crows) that the Blues should be 8 n 1. Mr Falcon - just how good does that make the Crows? Get On Board Son! Glory Be. I'm still working my way through Big Sammies logic but apparently the current 4-5 effort is extremely unlucky - every loss apart from the Crows could be accounted for. Pies? Should have pumped em by 5. Hawks? Well thats obvious. The Dockers? Well, they are the Dockers. It must be admitted that as the round of golf continued, there was more than a little mental cross-referencing going on... I felt like I had had these conversations before... but... with... Yes! Dave! Could this be his long lost son? Or severed head? The ducks were all lining up when he putted with the 5 wood from 4 metres off the green, potted it for the par and took four skins. Dave - here is the man to carry the flame. The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future all nicely packaged in the one beast. Dave - you should be proud.

The almost perfect weekend (ok, zero skins was a slight downer and 24 points didn't exactly stir my loins) was completed when I attended the SCG to watch the Pants Power lose their Pants to the Swans. It is amazing just how much difference one player can make to a team - and LRT you are the Chosen One. Out you go and in come the Goals. Once Great - you asked who I was going for? Amongst the Blue, Yellow and Red I kept a little bit of white just to lend them my support. Yes OG, the Paaah may be South Australian, but so was Bevan Spencer von Einem. And for that matter so are those bluddy pigs. I suppose you cheered him on at the trial (Bevo, not the pigs)? The Paaah are the Demon Seed of the Port Pies, the same Pies that speared the rest of us LOYAL South Aussies in the back - and that includes North Adelaide who you supposedly had some loyalty too. But thats ok my son. Their cheap tickets and sparkly silver guernseys may be enough to lure some, but for the rest of us... there can only be one. Except maybe the odd Pies n Blues supporters who like to put the lazy tenner against their own team.

Did I mention the Blues got spanked by the Crows and the Paaaaah Pumped by the Swannees? OK, enough of the teams making up the numbers (sad but true), the Cats n Doggies played an Epic on Friday night and didn't I tell you the Doggies would give it a shake? Go on - read it again. I told you! Fortunately though hardly anyone listened to me cos the Cats won. BUT. They probably shouldn't have. Akka had a ripper 300th, while little Bradley Johnson Fevved at the end- the Cats up by just the 2 points. Nine in a row to the Catters and I'm guessing the next challenge isn't until Round 14 when they face the Sinners.

In a game for the ages, 15,000 supporters rocked up to see the Kangas just get over the Purples by 13 points. No wonder they're going bust. Dean Laidley cried a couple of times and shook his fists as the old boys did it again, but why didn't they go to the Gold Coast? Maybe they could merge with Cronulla - then they'd get 15,043 people to a game. With no sponsorship.

In the Dreamtime at G, the Tiggers n Bambers duked it out. The Tiggers fell for the ole Crows trick - one half of footy 4 points does not make. I'm sure I heard some stat during the game that the Tigers have led the Bombers at half time for their last 10 games??? Must admit I have no idea how to rate the Bambi's. We all know they can run, but have they actually played and beaten anyone of note yet. NO. C'mon Dave - admit it. You'll probably be putting money on the opposition this week... Meanwhile over in the West, the Pies did the unthinkable and got up over the Weagles. Unbelievable. Nuff said.

Off course the Dees went down to the Hawks *yawns* but over at the Mildred Stadium, the Lions gave the Sinners a very good run for their money. But not enough. The Sinners won their 9th on the trot for the season. Too easy.

The Tippers
Hmmm - 2 ladies got the full box of choccies this week. How anyone rationally picked the Eagles is beyond me but I guess thats why only 2 people got the 8... yup - 101 and maddstar both pinched a bonus point while a swag full of 7's and a hunkachunka 6's made up the bulk. That throws 101 into the lead - a point up over the Junkie, her own spawn the Grunter, and The Nipster - who no doubt picked the Weagles...

In the Side Comp no one fell by the wayside, so 8 people are still amongst the fight for what is now $100. And in the Mini-Me comp, maddstarr (ringo's daughter) leaps ahead of her bro's Luke and the D Master, while Dean & Erin, and the huddo duke it out a little further back in the field.

Round 10
As per usual there are some good n bads this week, and it all starts with the Blues n Eagles. The Eagles have no chance. Simple. On Saturday the Swans travel to Manuka to take on the Doggies... oof - there goes the home ground advantage and I have a sneaky feeling that the Swans will be in with a real shot provided someone breaks LRT's legs.

Who are you gonna pick between the Roos n Lions? hmm. no idea but I do know that no one will rock up to watch it, and over at the Subi the Dockers should have too much for the Tiggers, but who dares pick it?

You want a certainty? Go no further than the Sinners over the Dees, or the Crows over the Hawks. Well... maybe the Dees are a chance. And finally, the Bombers will run straight into trouble when they get smashed by the Cats, and the Paps will register another loss against a completely undermanned Pies.

Friday 22 May 2009

The Common Link

Maybe Mr Wallace needs to look at the common link...

"I've seen it happen as a player in losing environments, I've seen it happen as an assistant coach and now I've seen it as a senior coach. It's just the reality of life."

Thursday 21 May 2009

Andrew McLeod

A lot is made of this weeks indigenous round, but I want to make a case for the round to be dedicated to the Scots! Whisky. Braveheart (who looked just like Mel Gibson if you take a look at the monument near Stirling). Swearing in a language that some call English. 48 year old virgins. And of course MCLEOD!

I find it amazing that a Scot can play Aussie Rules with such grace and skill for so long, but here he is playing a club record 313 games. Yes, that is the Mighty Andrew McLeod for you! Go Son, Go!

Tuesday 19 May 2009


For some reason I have a twitter account. Originally it was going to be what is now actually this blog - cos I didn't realise that Twitter is so bluddy LIMITED (and yes I now understand that is the whole thing). Anyway, because I can, it is on the sidebar. And it is extremely useless.

Sunday 17 May 2009

Round 8:Those Crows Were Very Unlucky (that they play 4 quarters in a game of footy)

Hidy Ho Folkettes :)

Ooof! Looks like I missed out on a rather close game Saturday night. Yes, despite suffering a mild case of Salt n Lemon poisoning on her first night in Chicago, Lady Horseboy arrived safe'n'sound after a week in The Windy City. A city that should not be confused with any between-the-sheets action that may go on around here. Anyway, being the nice person I am, I stayed home and suffered through the Crows game rather than head out to the lovely atmospheric ground that is Telstra/ANZ/Olympic Whateverthemuthasnameis Stadium.

Where do I start? Well, not with the second half cos the Crows left 28mins into the 2nd quarter. WildJohnny let me tell you I had almost chartered my own plane up there at quarter time. I'd certainly spent the $60 return on my $20 investment! The Crows looked very good for the entire first half - omitting 3 minutes at the end. And then. Game over. Bradshaw kicked about 62 goals in the third quarter to beat 101's heart-throb Mr Lynch's goal kicking record, and the Mighty Crows became a bunch of feather dusters in 3.5 minutes. Damnit! That is two weeks in a row we've struggled from the main break. If they called the game 'First Half of Football' the Crows would be World Champions! Sadly there are 4 quarters... Ah well.

Meanwhile over at ANZ Stadium the Swans just got over those powerful Eagles by 5 points. The Eagles and Swans play some tight games eh? Their games are closer than Johnsy and 11 teammates on a sleepover. *boom tish* But every time I turned the telly over there was Goodesy dominating like TreeFiddy with a Driver in his hand. Big Bad Bazza was on fire - 5 goals and at least one assist - and LRT was his standard selfless self - handing out turnovers with the flair of a sailor lost at sea *boom tish* No please... stop me. Obviously the Eagles must have played ok but who cares - they lost.

Ditto the Bombers against the Sinners. Jimbo Hird has taken over from Neil Kerley as the most biased commentator in Footy. I'm sure he's getting paid a marketing fee by the Black n Red. A tip Jimbo. Shut the F Up. "I know Jobe very well and he is underrated because of his kicking skills". No James, he is overrated - he should be playing TFL not AFL. Koshitsme is clearly due some time in Horseboy's Dream Team cos he's playing well enough to earn some injuries. 4 goals to him and 3 to Nick "Tears of a Clown" Riewoldt were enough to put the cap on what was a fairly routine victory unless you were listening to Jimbo, in which case I think the Bombers actually won.

On Friday night the Dockers did exactly as I said they would - cause me to miss a tip. Bastards. Purple is the colour of the Traitor. Speaking of Traitors, the Paaaaaah just snuck home against those Mighty Mighty and did I say Mighty(?) Tigers. Treddars continues to dominate against teams with no defence (7 goals), and a huge 22,000 centrelink customers saw the big fella kick the winning goal. Benny Cousins was seen on the ice just after the game but apparently it was just a soft tissue injury.

In another close game the Doggies just snuck home over Melbourne. What was going on there? Sheesh... Akkers kicked a few goals and all those people that wouldn't have him in their team are clearly loonies. Obviously the Cats won. *yawns* An the Blues absolutely smashed the Pies. You wouldn't believe this but I know a certain Pies "Supporter" who actually put money on the Blues! Who said Pies supporters were all stupid?

The Tippers
Yup, there were a lotta perfect scored this week 14 people in fact! Yup, it's lucky that those PIES supporters have no LOYALTY because The Nipster and Pizerule- so called Collingwood fans - are two of them. No doubt The Nipster slipped a lazy $50 on the Blues too. Unbelievable. Are the Pies the least loyal supporters in the comp? Well, maybe Dave would like to think the Bombers were up there on that score, but maybe you should tell ME who it is...

So 14 perfect tippers get the Bonus Point, while the worst effort was 5 from 8 (Paulverisor yet again forgot to put his tips in...). Leading the way now is The Traitor I mean Nipster on 48 points, 1 clear of Footy Junkie, Grunter and jchr2041, and a bunch on 45.

In the Side Comp... no one went for the Pies and all went through to Round 9... that is... hold on... let me do the sums... yup, it is up to $90!

And in the Ponyboy comp...well it is Luke (the cute one) now leadin the way from D Master.

Round 9
Some seriously interesting games this week, kicking off with the Cats n Dogs at what is listed as Telstra Dome but isn't that now Catinthehat Stadium? This is just the second big test for the Cats this year (obviously the first one was against the Crows), and I wouldn't be surprised to see the Doggies take it if Akka can fire. No - there's no logic, but if you want to get a point up on people, you'll be picking the 'away' box for this one folks.

North n Freo. What the huck are you supposed to do with this one? This is the most ridiculous game ever put on a tippers sheet. Beside the Freo/Hawks game this week. The reality is that neither team will win it - one will lose it. Absolute scrubbers. That is balanced out by the GOLD on display at AAMI Stadium - yup, the Crows will get their season back in the right direction (slightly parallel to the road that heads that way) - with an emphatic win over the Blues. Fev will yet again kick nothing cos he's too busy reminiscing about his time spent with Lara & Simmo in better times. Crows will dominate the first half to lead by 6 points but then hold the Blues to nothing by handpassing 325 times in the backlines.

Another toughie to pick is the Eagles n Pies. If in melbourne you'd say no dramas, but over at the Subi, the Eagles are a different proposition. My advice is to first find out if the Gayboy is putting money on the Eagles and go from there. The Tiggers play the Bombers in the Dreamtime at the G. IF the Bombers lose this, the Dream will become a Nightmare. For the Tiggers, it's already a nightmare. Glorious. I reckon the Bombers will take this easy and crash n burn. SUCKERS!

At the SCG on Sunday the Swans host the Paps. If the Paps are any good they should smack the Swans harder than Bocky does people that should know better. I'm tipping the Swans by 15 points, with Barry Hall and Dean "The Chin" Brogan duking it out at half time, killing 36 mini-leaguers in one mighty push.

The Sinners will be way too good for the Lions - although the Lions are undoubtedly one of the 5 best teams in the com - and the Hawks n Melbourne... is this an internal trialgame?

Any probs, drop me a line.

Thursday 14 May 2009

Sure Thing

I haven't seen an easier way of making money since last years Grand Final - $1.40 on the Cats? Money for Jam... Yes folks, get on board the Crows, paying $3.20, there are currently some US bankers putting other peoples houses on it.


Poor Matty.

"We already have so many rules: we can't drink on these days, we can't go to these places, now we can't have group sex" - Anonymous NRL player (SMH - 14/3)

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Round 7 - Gone.

Well, this is more about Round 8 cos Round 7 is YESTERDAYS hero... We all know the Pies went belly up. So yes, there were a cuppla upsets, but in the Tipping there were 4 who stood tall. Once again Kermie was up there with 6, but so were the Grunter, Luke (the cute one), and Muchacho. Very good effort there and so now leading the way we have Muchacho and The Nipster on 39 points.

After the debacle that was Friday nights game, the side comp features 8 lonely combatants - none of them in the upper echelon of the table. Round 8, so $80 on the line. Tip wisely ladyfolk...

Round 8
Take my word on this. It is a tough round coming up. Actually it isn't - there are 4 dead certs to choose from - but the others are tough, and the toughest is Friday night. Freo - the team you just don't want to pick because let's face it, they are crap - are coming up against the Hawkers - the team that lost to what can only be described as a bunch of loose change. Deary me. Can I tip that whatever I tip, it will be wrong? In the immortal words of Dave, they are ALL Rubbish.

Speaking of rubbish, the Dees play the Doggies on Saturday and it will be a joke of a game. Why even bother? And speaking of why even bother, the Cats will smash the Kanga's. So there are yer two certainties ladies...

The other certainty you can think about is the Crows over the Lions. Don't fall for the old 3-4 record of the Crows. 3 of the 4 teams we've lost against are at the top of the table, and the other is Port who somehow have scraped into 4th. The Lions are pretty good at home but clearly the word 'certainty' is one that is a perfect fit for the word 'Crows' this week. Indeed you can call it Certainty Saturday, because the only way the Swans will lose to the Weagles is if the Swans use the Saffa Food Poisoning Defence Mechanism circa 1995, and accidentally eat from the wrong plates. Swans by lots. Which for the Swans is about 3 points.

On Sunday the Paaaah will beat the Tigers by plenty and then say how good they are for another week before losing to some bunch of never-was. BUT fear not cos there ARE two great games on... first up the Pies n Blues. 50/50 game and should be a treat to watch. Then the Sinners n Bombers. 100/0 game and should be a treat to watch because I love watching people in Red n Black cry.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Round 7. Almost.

What is it with this bluddy Monday Night Rubbish?? They are trying to make the life of a tipping comp administrator VERY BLUDDY HARD and in the words of that Australian Icon Auntie Pauline, I Don't Like It.

I also don't like the result on sunday. The Crows were a little ordinary. I know... I know... you can't believe it. And Pav - you DEFINITELY can't believe it. But it is true. In a weekend of upsets, the Bulldogs won just their 2nd game at AAMI from the last 12 matches... hmmm. The only good thing was that the Paaaaaah went down too... finally I picked a game which featured the Roos. Anyone that put money on the Paaaaah would be a little upset. No? Idiot.

Gambling is a fools pursuit. Even more so if you let someone else bet for you. "$1.38" he says. I said yeah, but Port in Melbourne? "Yes" he says. "The Kangaroos are Rubbish". He had a point. "But what of the Shinboner spirit?" I says. Eh? Eh? "They don't GIVE it away" I says. My only advice is never bet on a game that has either Port or North in it. They are BOTH rubbish.

Friday night's game was a rather surprising affair. The Half-Strength Hawks went down to the Bombers. I knew they were a chance when TreeFiddy said they were Rubbish. Actually there are 15 rubbish teams in the comp according to TreeFiddy. He may have a point. In the tipping there were only two true-believers and they deservedly got a point as they saw their Bombers Fly Up, Up. Must say, the Bombers looked ok. But only ok. Matty Knights is trying to claim the victory as some kind of personal endorsement of his coaching. Well let me tell YOU something Matthew. Yer Rubbish. This game took a few in the Side Comp... whoops! Meanwhile in the other 'certainty', the Cats were solid without Ablett. The Swans played well enough for the first half, with Micky O being quite handy, but the Cats are a class above at the moment. Apparently Barry Hall had a second half shocker cos he didn't get any of the ball. It's a bit hard when the ball doesn't get past the halfway mark isn't it?

The Lions beat the Tigers. Hmmm. Can't believe I tipped Richmond. Horseboy = Fool. Lies, Lies and More Damned Statistics. Or something. And as for the Dockers... my god. What is going on? Suddenly they are BRILLIANT! Or maybe just Carlton were over rated. I tell ya what, this ere game is a lottery! And finally (sort of), the Beagles beat Bailey's Army. *yawns*

Saturday 9 May 2009

Beer. Good. Yes.

Ladies we all know the power of beer. It is good. As such it has come to my attention that there is a weekly beer blurb created by a certain HORSEBOY... it will lead you to GOODNESS...
Go. Beer. Good. Yes. Bless.

Friday 8 May 2009

Some People Just LOVE the Limelight...

From 'The Adjudicator' (,,25446921-5018851,00.html) - Our own Syneeeee is the Phil in question...

GEELONG v SYDNEY SWANS, Saturday 2.10pm (EST), Skilled Stadium
Cats fan Gary of Geelong says: "Another week, another win for the mighty, mighty cats. The Swannies will kick about three goals, so they'll have to keep us to two to get up. Good luck with that. Geelong half-asleep by 15 goals."

Swans fan Phil Lomas of Minto says: "Why will the Swans win? Ablett is out. Simple. The cats have been without their "one man team" tag for too long and have been waiting for an opportunity to return to the comforts of old. Well, the 80's and 90's anyway - when the cats' theme song really should have been "We're a one man band, no-body knows or understands, ooh ooh ooh". What better chance will they get than this week to show that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Go Swans!"

The Adjudicator says: "You've got me going there, Phil. You're email reads more like lyrics for a song. I might take Mrs Adjudicator to the local RSL for a boogie tonight. The Cats are a wonderful team but complacency is a dangerous thing, Gary. Just out of interest, does your surname beging with 'A'? No? Nevermind. Geelong by 41 points."

Monday 4 May 2009

Round 6: The Fev Show

Greetings Folkettes!

First up, a big well done to Kermitt the Frog who managed a perfect 8 from 8 in a week full of 50/50’s, and thus got the boner point. Kermitt is a former winner and general high flyer, and she is ON THE MARCH!

The footy. Well as I said, it was a tough week for picking. The Derby/Showdowns are always a tough gig, where more often than not the lesser teams win – the Dockers had won the last 3 leading into this one - and it was no exception this week, with the Purple Smoke getting up over the Eagles, and the Papsmears pulling one out of the bag against the Somewhat Mighty-ish Crows. I guess it is easy to get yourself up for a single game when you know you have nothing to look forward to for the rest of the year. *coughs*

On Friday night the Kanga’s pulled on the 2nd worst guernsey in history before succumbing entirely to the flaccid might of the Pies. Baby Blue. You have got to be joking surely? I kept changing the input cables on my telly – surely the blue was plugged into the red? The Kanga’s are gone for the year - especially if they wear that thing again. After 3 or 4 years of overperforming, they will finally perform to their true potential in 2009 and finish bottom 4. The Pies got the win they needed while at the same time they gently massaged the oppositions balls with their forehead. Classy Stuff.

On Saturday the Blues took on the Hawkers in a huge game for both teams. No, I didn’t see it, but everyone is mentioning The Fev! OOF! 15 out on a 45 degree angle and The Fev goes to water! What do these guys do at practice? One thing I know is that Dave “TreeFiddy” Cassell would have sucked that pressure up and pooped out a diamond. Yup, over the years TreeFiddy has copped more knocks than a cheap brothel’s backdoor, but on the golf course on Sunday, Daaaaaaaaave was putting them in from everywhere. Four skins on the line and he whacked it in faster than a knife at a bris. And all with a smile that would make Bert Newton look sincere. B’stard.

But the Fev missed. He kicked 8 goals but when it counted, where was he? NOWHERE! At the other end Roughhead kicked 8 goals, while Big Lance wandered around looking USELESS. At least that’s what Dave tells me.

Dave also tells me that Matty Knights is the worst coach since Timmy Watson. High praise indeed for the big fella cos I reckon he is worse that Timbo. At least Timmy would have remembered to put the right players on the teamsheet. To quote Matty… “I was unaware of anything”. Never a truer word was spoken. The Lions belted the Bombers, which was always on the cards cos Daaaave finally picked his own team.

On Sunday the Swans looked particularly poor and still beat the Tigers. Mike Pyke made his debut and actually did ok for a rugger player. Lack of knowledge about the rules didn’t seem to impede his progress, and in fact possibly enhanced it as it gave him an insiders view of the umps *boom boom*. LRT has clearly taken the big Canadian clown under his wing at training, as The Pyke passed to LRT on purpose at one stage – something no other Swans player will do.

The Cats bashed the Demons and over at Beelzebub Stadium the Sinners easily accounted for the Doggies. The Dogs never looked in it and anyone that tipped em or put money on them needs to have a good hard look at themselves..

The Tippers
Well as I mentioned earlier, the big mover was one Kermie who picked 8 from 8, received the boner point and jumped from 50th to 21st. Too easy. A buncha 7’s and a lotta 6’s in the midst – 50/50’s clearly mean nothing to a bunch of well-to-do footy tippers! Overall there are 3 tied at the top – crowsfc, Footy Junkie and The Nipster all on 34 while a point back there are a bunch of tipsters including newcomers Fava_beans and Muchacho… welcome! Fava – don’t forget to give Judge Dredd some advice, he clearly needs it.

In the Knockout comp, those that could, went for the Cats, else the Sinners n Swans go the nod. 12 people still in it, including some of the early tail-enders. They are now chasing $70 – tip wisely.

In the Ponyboy Comp D Master & Luke (the cute one) are both 2 clear of the maddstarr, huddo and D&E. All are well and truly clear of their sires.

Round 7
The Ladder is starting to take shape with the Sinners n Cats firmly on top, one team with a lucky draw in 3rd and then a whole buncha others sitting on 3 n 3.
This weeks certainty is the Friday night game. The Bombers n Hawks duke it out and the only line in the sand will be the one at quarter time that says the Hawks are up by 8 goals, please show mercy.

The Cats will play with the Swans on Saturday. No Ablett No Cats? No. Cats by many. In a tough pick the Lions come down to Melbourne and take on the Tigers. If it was in Brisvegas you wouldn’t think twice but at the G the Tigers may just do the business. Benny has offered free medication after the game if they win.

The Kangas will smash the Paaaah who will be smugly satisfied for the next 14 weeks, and in some bizarre programming, the Blues play Freo at the Gold Coast Stadium. Errr. Ok. Blues easily.

On Sunday the Crows will account for the Doggies cos they have to, while in the battle of the Cellar Dwellars the Eagles will not be bad enough to lose to the Dees. Finally, in a huge MONDAY NIGHT game the Pies n Sinners do battle at the Dome. A Monday night? That Is Rubbish. But it should be a ripper. Sinners too good though.

Any probs, drop me a line!


Ladies, this weeks blog will hopefully happen sometime today (monday). I still don't have an internet connection at home so lunchtime will be my opportunity... It is in no way related to the Showdown result!