Monday 4 May 2009

Round 6: The Fev Show

Greetings Folkettes!

First up, a big well done to Kermitt the Frog who managed a perfect 8 from 8 in a week full of 50/50’s, and thus got the boner point. Kermitt is a former winner and general high flyer, and she is ON THE MARCH!

The footy. Well as I said, it was a tough week for picking. The Derby/Showdowns are always a tough gig, where more often than not the lesser teams win – the Dockers had won the last 3 leading into this one - and it was no exception this week, with the Purple Smoke getting up over the Eagles, and the Papsmears pulling one out of the bag against the Somewhat Mighty-ish Crows. I guess it is easy to get yourself up for a single game when you know you have nothing to look forward to for the rest of the year. *coughs*

On Friday night the Kanga’s pulled on the 2nd worst guernsey in history before succumbing entirely to the flaccid might of the Pies. Baby Blue. You have got to be joking surely? I kept changing the input cables on my telly – surely the blue was plugged into the red? The Kanga’s are gone for the year - especially if they wear that thing again. After 3 or 4 years of overperforming, they will finally perform to their true potential in 2009 and finish bottom 4. The Pies got the win they needed while at the same time they gently massaged the oppositions balls with their forehead. Classy Stuff.

On Saturday the Blues took on the Hawkers in a huge game for both teams. No, I didn’t see it, but everyone is mentioning The Fev! OOF! 15 out on a 45 degree angle and The Fev goes to water! What do these guys do at practice? One thing I know is that Dave “TreeFiddy” Cassell would have sucked that pressure up and pooped out a diamond. Yup, over the years TreeFiddy has copped more knocks than a cheap brothel’s backdoor, but on the golf course on Sunday, Daaaaaaaaave was putting them in from everywhere. Four skins on the line and he whacked it in faster than a knife at a bris. And all with a smile that would make Bert Newton look sincere. B’stard.

But the Fev missed. He kicked 8 goals but when it counted, where was he? NOWHERE! At the other end Roughhead kicked 8 goals, while Big Lance wandered around looking USELESS. At least that’s what Dave tells me.

Dave also tells me that Matty Knights is the worst coach since Timmy Watson. High praise indeed for the big fella cos I reckon he is worse that Timbo. At least Timmy would have remembered to put the right players on the teamsheet. To quote Matty… “I was unaware of anything”. Never a truer word was spoken. The Lions belted the Bombers, which was always on the cards cos Daaaave finally picked his own team.

On Sunday the Swans looked particularly poor and still beat the Tigers. Mike Pyke made his debut and actually did ok for a rugger player. Lack of knowledge about the rules didn’t seem to impede his progress, and in fact possibly enhanced it as it gave him an insiders view of the umps *boom boom*. LRT has clearly taken the big Canadian clown under his wing at training, as The Pyke passed to LRT on purpose at one stage – something no other Swans player will do.

The Cats bashed the Demons and over at Beelzebub Stadium the Sinners easily accounted for the Doggies. The Dogs never looked in it and anyone that tipped em or put money on them needs to have a good hard look at themselves..

The Tippers
Well as I mentioned earlier, the big mover was one Kermie who picked 8 from 8, received the boner point and jumped from 50th to 21st. Too easy. A buncha 7’s and a lotta 6’s in the midst – 50/50’s clearly mean nothing to a bunch of well-to-do footy tippers! Overall there are 3 tied at the top – crowsfc, Footy Junkie and The Nipster all on 34 while a point back there are a bunch of tipsters including newcomers Fava_beans and Muchacho… welcome! Fava – don’t forget to give Judge Dredd some advice, he clearly needs it.

In the Knockout comp, those that could, went for the Cats, else the Sinners n Swans go the nod. 12 people still in it, including some of the early tail-enders. They are now chasing $70 – tip wisely.

In the Ponyboy Comp D Master & Luke (the cute one) are both 2 clear of the maddstarr, huddo and D&E. All are well and truly clear of their sires.

Round 7
The Ladder is starting to take shape with the Sinners n Cats firmly on top, one team with a lucky draw in 3rd and then a whole buncha others sitting on 3 n 3.
This weeks certainty is the Friday night game. The Bombers n Hawks duke it out and the only line in the sand will be the one at quarter time that says the Hawks are up by 8 goals, please show mercy.

The Cats will play with the Swans on Saturday. No Ablett No Cats? No. Cats by many. In a tough pick the Lions come down to Melbourne and take on the Tigers. If it was in Brisvegas you wouldn’t think twice but at the G the Tigers may just do the business. Benny has offered free medication after the game if they win.

The Kangas will smash the Paaaah who will be smugly satisfied for the next 14 weeks, and in some bizarre programming, the Blues play Freo at the Gold Coast Stadium. Errr. Ok. Blues easily.

On Sunday the Crows will account for the Doggies cos they have to, while in the battle of the Cellar Dwellars the Eagles will not be bad enough to lose to the Dees. Finally, in a huge MONDAY NIGHT game the Pies n Sinners do battle at the Dome. A Monday night? That Is Rubbish. But it should be a ripper. Sinners too good though.

Any probs, drop me a line!

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