Sunday 24 May 2009

Round 9:The Cream of Da Crop

It seemed the cream finally rose to the top this week ladies. Yes, you know what I'm talkin bout. The Crows spanked the Blues in the easiest cash transfer made since the Swans spanked the Blues 6 weeks ago. No, I was never worried - it was always in hand, and when it went from 10 goals to 5 in the third quarter, "here we go again" never entered my mind. It's all about Confidence!

But you can imagine my surprise when I was informed (by a man that put $10 on the Crows) that the Blues should be 8 n 1. Mr Falcon - just how good does that make the Crows? Get On Board Son! Glory Be. I'm still working my way through Big Sammies logic but apparently the current 4-5 effort is extremely unlucky - every loss apart from the Crows could be accounted for. Pies? Should have pumped em by 5. Hawks? Well thats obvious. The Dockers? Well, they are the Dockers. It must be admitted that as the round of golf continued, there was more than a little mental cross-referencing going on... I felt like I had had these conversations before... but... with... Yes! Dave! Could this be his long lost son? Or severed head? The ducks were all lining up when he putted with the 5 wood from 4 metres off the green, potted it for the par and took four skins. Dave - here is the man to carry the flame. The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future all nicely packaged in the one beast. Dave - you should be proud.

The almost perfect weekend (ok, zero skins was a slight downer and 24 points didn't exactly stir my loins) was completed when I attended the SCG to watch the Pants Power lose their Pants to the Swans. It is amazing just how much difference one player can make to a team - and LRT you are the Chosen One. Out you go and in come the Goals. Once Great - you asked who I was going for? Amongst the Blue, Yellow and Red I kept a little bit of white just to lend them my support. Yes OG, the Paaah may be South Australian, but so was Bevan Spencer von Einem. And for that matter so are those bluddy pigs. I suppose you cheered him on at the trial (Bevo, not the pigs)? The Paaah are the Demon Seed of the Port Pies, the same Pies that speared the rest of us LOYAL South Aussies in the back - and that includes North Adelaide who you supposedly had some loyalty too. But thats ok my son. Their cheap tickets and sparkly silver guernseys may be enough to lure some, but for the rest of us... there can only be one. Except maybe the odd Pies n Blues supporters who like to put the lazy tenner against their own team.

Did I mention the Blues got spanked by the Crows and the Paaaaah Pumped by the Swannees? OK, enough of the teams making up the numbers (sad but true), the Cats n Doggies played an Epic on Friday night and didn't I tell you the Doggies would give it a shake? Go on - read it again. I told you! Fortunately though hardly anyone listened to me cos the Cats won. BUT. They probably shouldn't have. Akka had a ripper 300th, while little Bradley Johnson Fevved at the end- the Cats up by just the 2 points. Nine in a row to the Catters and I'm guessing the next challenge isn't until Round 14 when they face the Sinners.

In a game for the ages, 15,000 supporters rocked up to see the Kangas just get over the Purples by 13 points. No wonder they're going bust. Dean Laidley cried a couple of times and shook his fists as the old boys did it again, but why didn't they go to the Gold Coast? Maybe they could merge with Cronulla - then they'd get 15,043 people to a game. With no sponsorship.

In the Dreamtime at G, the Tiggers n Bambers duked it out. The Tiggers fell for the ole Crows trick - one half of footy 4 points does not make. I'm sure I heard some stat during the game that the Tigers have led the Bombers at half time for their last 10 games??? Must admit I have no idea how to rate the Bambi's. We all know they can run, but have they actually played and beaten anyone of note yet. NO. C'mon Dave - admit it. You'll probably be putting money on the opposition this week... Meanwhile over in the West, the Pies did the unthinkable and got up over the Weagles. Unbelievable. Nuff said.

Off course the Dees went down to the Hawks *yawns* but over at the Mildred Stadium, the Lions gave the Sinners a very good run for their money. But not enough. The Sinners won their 9th on the trot for the season. Too easy.

The Tippers
Hmmm - 2 ladies got the full box of choccies this week. How anyone rationally picked the Eagles is beyond me but I guess thats why only 2 people got the 8... yup - 101 and maddstar both pinched a bonus point while a swag full of 7's and a hunkachunka 6's made up the bulk. That throws 101 into the lead - a point up over the Junkie, her own spawn the Grunter, and The Nipster - who no doubt picked the Weagles...

In the Side Comp no one fell by the wayside, so 8 people are still amongst the fight for what is now $100. And in the Mini-Me comp, maddstarr (ringo's daughter) leaps ahead of her bro's Luke and the D Master, while Dean & Erin, and the huddo duke it out a little further back in the field.

Round 10
As per usual there are some good n bads this week, and it all starts with the Blues n Eagles. The Eagles have no chance. Simple. On Saturday the Swans travel to Manuka to take on the Doggies... oof - there goes the home ground advantage and I have a sneaky feeling that the Swans will be in with a real shot provided someone breaks LRT's legs.

Who are you gonna pick between the Roos n Lions? hmm. no idea but I do know that no one will rock up to watch it, and over at the Subi the Dockers should have too much for the Tiggers, but who dares pick it?

You want a certainty? Go no further than the Sinners over the Dees, or the Crows over the Hawks. Well... maybe the Dees are a chance. And finally, the Bombers will run straight into trouble when they get smashed by the Cats, and the Paps will register another loss against a completely undermanned Pies.

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