Sunday 10 July 2011

Round 17: Crows Undefeated Again.

FIRST UP... those wonderful folk at OzTips have made it so that you have to have either a yahoo, facebook or google id to log in.  I know that at our glorious workplace we may not be able to log in to the site now... So if you fall into this category, let me know and email me your tips weekly.  Yes it is as annoying as a bee in yer motorbike helmet but that's life.  Next year I will look for a new host for the comp.


Onto the round that was.  It was great to see the Crows continue their undefeated run.  That's two weeks in a row that Angry Anderson has been able to sing WE CAN'T BE BEATEN! for the Mighty Mightys.  Good work Angry.  Now if you can stop attending those Alan Jones-led anti-Carbon Tax rallies we can all be happy.  On the other side of the coin the Cats have now lost two in a row.  In hindsight the Eagles at home were always gonna be a tough gig but then I didn't pick it so what do I know?  At the other end of the weekend the Blues went down to the Bullies.  The Blues were mediocrity at it's best.  Ie maudlin.  And they lost Waite.  Just as well cos they were looking a bit phat. HA! stop me.  Anyway that's four in a row to the Doggies and they aren't far out of the 8 now.  I would like to say winning form is good form but the only decent team they beat was the Crows.  That said, after Round 17 expect to see the Doggies in after they smash the Paps and the Bombers out after they lose to the Mighties...

Speaking of Bombers, they kicked ten in a row to beat the Tigers.  The Tigers looked good.  They looked strong.  And then ex-Bomber Houli got the ball and showed why they got rid of him.  No wonder he was Dave's favourite player. Loser.  Speaking of losers... the Roos.  This was the week they were gonna show us how good they were.  And they did.  They got SPANKED.  And not in an 'ooooh who's a naughty boy' kinda way.  Nup, they were royally reamed by the Pies and that has put the Pies into top of the table.

Speaking of reaming, yes I did pick Ablett in my supercoach team recently, and yes he was my Captain.  Thanks for asking.  The Swans enjoyed the sunshine and scored an easy win on the Coast as they consolidated their spot in the 8, and the Sinners smashed Port this week. Seems unfair that of the 5 teams to have a bye this week, the Swans and Sinners are the only two to get 4 points...

And finally the Hawkers made it hardish against the Lions.  Yeah whatever.

The Tippers
Seven games to pick from this week, 2 upsets (sort of), and one tipper picked the full monty.  Yep CaseyinCH got the boner point for picking 7 this week and moves up the ladder to 3rd.  Equal top at the mo are the Juddsta and Driza.  So yep, 2 of the top 3 are not in the country - says it all about local knowledge.

In the side comp there are still two - they both picked the Hawks.   This week they have to choose from the Adelaide/Essendon game or Roos v Doggies...

Round 17
And it kicks off with the Crows/Bombers.  What a great game.  Both teams undefeated for two weeks.  Both battling for a spot in the top 16.  You know the Crows will win...  The Tigers are playing the Gold Coast at Cazaleys Stadium.  Absolutely no idea where that is.  Wagga?  No idea.  Lets home the Tigers aren't travelling on their namesake airline cos they could be waiting a while.  If Ablett was playing then I'd give the Suns a chance but they have none.

Carlton take on the Pies in the MOTR, but no one will pick the Blues - expect a slaughter as mediocrity rises to the middle and drops away.  Which means that the Eagles will nab a spot in the top four as they beat the exciting combination that is... the Sinners.  Who woulda thunk?

The Dees will do the Paps, the Swans the Dockers, the Cats get back on the winning list over the Lions, and in yer upset of the week, the Kangas will beat the Doggies.  But only if you tip the Doggies.

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