Tuesday 27 March 2012

1st - Hawthorn

I can't help but think I've been sold a dummy with this one.  WHY are the Hawks finishing first on my table?  Clearly too much listening to Ando waffle on about how bluddy good Buddy is, how unlucky they have been with injuries, how nasty those umpires have been to them, oh woe is bluddy me.  The only thing I've heard more is "oh my, how far did I hit that ball?  I just can't control how BIG I hit the ball...".


Let's have a looksie... Buddy.  Tick.  Cyril gets half a tick cos he plays well in half the games.  Sammy Mitchell is still performing well.  Hodge. Tick.  Roughy gets a third of a tick cos he will be injured or recovering from for most of the season.  Sewell has become very solid.  Hale could be handy in the Petrie sense of the word.  Suckling is good.  Solid second tier.  The Hawks should be well and truly amongst it at the pointy end.

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