Tuesday 20 March 2012

9th - Kangaroos

Mmmmm I just finished a lovely Kangaroo fillet marinated in mirin, port, chilli and cracked pepper, beautifully cooked medium rare.  What does this have to do with North Melbourne?  SFA.  But it does taste good.

The Roos have less supporters than EVERYONE.  They should not have been allowed to continue on once they said no to the move north... then south... further north... then to NZ... then to India... then to Ballarat.  Brayshaw should be paying for their upkeep out of his own pocket.  It's not that the Shinboners are crap - far from it - they are a very solid middle of the road kinda team.  But who cares?  Not you.  They'll win enough games to knock on the door with Petrie, Harvey, Swallow, and an over rated Wells, but Top 8?  I don't think so.

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