Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Year To Come - Fremantle

David Hasselhoff as star recruit of the Fremantle Dockers.
Freo's Best Recruit - They Canna Fail!

Fremantle have been one of my favorite jokes for a long time.  Excepting The Hoff, their recruiting over the years has been like a guidebook of what not to do.  Andrew McLeod? Can't play - get rid of him. T Croad - he'll be a champion.  J White?  Nuh - crap - send him off.  And it all came down to one thing... Purple, Green, Red and White. Just be thankful those in the West aren't in charge of finding us a new Australian flag.  And an anchor as their symbol?  Uhm... ok.  Those things are used to weigh people down in water yeah?  Well, that's what I use them for.

The Dockers have had the odd false dawn over the years and then dropped like a sacka, but this year is going to be different. Last year the purple haze picked up a cuppla beauties, their younger players matured and took places from their curly-haired clown-imitating predecessors.  Sandilands continued to be the absolute weapon you would expect, and they turned their home ground into a fortress. 

That will all continue this year.  On the downside, things seemed to drop a bit for them last year when everyone's favorite dream teamer Michael Barlow copped a season ending injury, and Tarrants defection back 'home' is a small loss, but he is getting older and is injury prone.  And this years great dream team hope Mzungu is already out for a few.  But on the other side, the Dockers have changed that friggin awful guernsey to something actually looks pretty good!  And that is more than enough to elevate them into the top 4 and challenge for the 2011 Premiership...

No... seriously.

Finishing Position: 1st - 4th

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